• 1.07 Joseph Gogodze, Iddo Kan and Ayal Kimhi -
    Land Reform and Rural Well Being in the Republic of Georgia: 1996-2003. (PDF)
  • 2.07 Uri Shani, Yacov Tsur, Amos Zemel & David Zilberman -
    Irrigation Production Functions with Water-Capital Substitution. (PDF)
  • 3.07 Masahiko Gemma and Yacov Tsur -
    The Stabilization Value of Groundwater and Conjunctive Water Management under Uncertainty. (PDF)
  • 4.07 Ayal Kimhi -
    Does Land Reform in Transition Countries Increase Child Labor?
    Evidence from the Republic of Georgia. (PDF)
  • 5.07 Larry Karp and Yacov Tsur -
    Climate Policy When the Distant Future Matters:
    Catastrophic Events with Hyperbolic Discounting. (PDF)
  • 6.07 Gilad Axelrad and Eli Feinerman -
    Regional Planning of Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation and River Rehabilitation. (PDF)
  • 7.07 Zvi Lerman - Land Reform, Farm Structure, and Agricultural Performance in CIS Countries. (PDF)
  • 8.07 Ivan Stanchin and Zvi Lerman -
    Water in Turkmenistan. (PDF)
  • 9.07 Larry Karp and Yacov Tsur -
    Discounting and Climate Change Policy. (PDF)
  • 10.07 Xinshen Diao, Ariel Dinar, Terry Roe and Yacov Tsur -
    A General Equilibrium Analysis of Conjunctive Ground and Surface Water Use with an Application to Morocco. (PDF)
  • 11.07 Barry K. Goodwin, Ashok K. Mishra and Ayal Kimhi -
    Household Time Allocation and Endogenous Farm Structure: Implications for the Design of Agricultural Policies. (PDF)
  • 12.07 Iddo Kan, Arie Leizarowitz and Yacov Tsur -
    Dynamic-spatial management of coastal aquifers. (PDF)
  • 13.07 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
    Climate change policy in a growing economy under catastrophic risks. (PDF)
  • 14.07 Zvi Lerman and David J. Sedik -
    Productivity and Efficiency of Corporate and Individual Farms in Ukraine. (PDF)
  • 15.07 Zvi Lerman and David J. Sedik. -
    The Role of Land Markets in Improving Rural Incomes. (PDF)
  • 16.07 Ayal Kimhi -
    Regression-Based Inequality Decomposition:
    A Critical Review and Application to Farm-Household Income Data. (PDF)
  • 17.07 Ayal Kimhi and Hila Rekah -
    Are Changes in Farm Size and Labor Allocation Structurally Relataed?
    Dynamic Panel Evidence from Israel. (PDF)
  • 18.07 Larry Karp and Yacov Tsur - Time Perspective, Discounting and Climate Change Policy. (PDF)