Center for Agricultural Economic Research

The Center for Agricultural Economic Research (CAECR)  is a nonprofit organization established in 1968 and supported by the Hebrew University, the Government of Israel, Bank Leumi Le-Israel and Bank Hapoalim. The Center supports research projects, scientific conferences and international collaborations, and publishes the Journal of Rural Cooperation. Research findings of the Center's research fellows are published in the Discussion Paper Series. The decision of the Center to publish a study reflects its judgment that the work has met the standards of scientific research. The interpretations and conclusions of the study are, however, those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Center or its Board of Trustees.


Board of Trustees

  • Dr. Assaf Levi - Ministry of Agriculture
  • Dr. Gil Bufman - Bank Leumi
  • Dr. Moshe Ben Sason
  • Prof. Avi Simhon - Dept. of Environmental Economics and Management, The Hebrew University
  • Prof. Eyal Ert - Dept. of Environmental  Economics and Management, The Hebrew University
  • Mr. Eitan Ben-David - Moshav Rinatia
  • Mr. Shachar Druker - Meitav Dash
  • Ms. Rebecca Algrisi - Bank Ha'poalim
  • Prof. Israel Finkelshtain - Director of Research, Dept. of Environmental  Economics and Management, The Hebrew University
  • Prof. Itay Fishhendler - Department of Geography, The Hebrew University
  • Dr. Avner Ahituv - Chairman
  • Prof. Aharon Palmon - Vice President of R&D - The Hebrew University
  • Dr. Ohad Raveh - Head of Department of Environmental,  Economics and Management , The Hebrew University
  • Prof. Saul Burdman, Dean - Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmet, The Hebrew University


Research fellows

All the faculty members of the Department of Environmental Economics and Management plus

Ariel Dinar University of California, Riverside
David Zilberman Agricultural & Resource Economics, UC Berkeley


Herzl 229, Rehovot, 76100, Israel
Phone: 972-8-9489233
Director of Research: Prof. Iddo Kan