Discussion Papers

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  • 2019

    • 1.19 Yacov Tsur, Water Pricing (PDF)
    • 2.19 Iddo Kan, Yehuda Slater, Ami Reznik, and Israel Finkelshtain,The Nexus o f Irrigation-Water Salinity, Agricultural Policy and Long-Run Water Management: Lessons from the Case of Israel (PDF)
  • 2018

    • 1.18 Ayal Kimhi and Maya Sender
      Does Consumption Decrease After Retirement, and for Whom? (PDF)
    • 2.18 Ziv Bar-Nahum, Israel Finkelshtain and Iddo Kan
      On the Effectiveness of Price-Ceiling Regulations:
  • 2017

    • 1.17 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel
      Water policy guidelines: A comprehensive approach (PDF)
    • 2.17 Aliza Fleischer, Daniel Felsenstein and Michal Lichter
  • 2016

    • 1.16 Uday Kumar Jammalamadaka and Ariel Dinar
      Management of Water Resources in Adversity:The Role of Social Norms (PDF)
    • 2.16 Amir Heiman, Oded Lowengart, Daniel Shapira
  • 2015

    • 1.15 Zvi Lerman
      Privatization and changing farm structure in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (PDF)
    • 2.15 Natalya Shagaida and Zvi Lerman
      Land Policy in Russia: New Challenges (PDF)
  • 2014

    • 1.14 Yoav Kislev
      The Growth and Decay of Ideological Cooperation in Agriculture (PDF)
    • 2.14 Yacov Tsur
  • 2013

    • 1.13 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel-
      Steady-state properties in a class of dynamic models, with applications to natural resource management (PDF)
    • 2.13 Ezra Fishman and Ayal Kimhi-
  • 2012

    • 1.12 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
      Dynamic and stochastic analysis of environmental and natural resources. (PDF)
    • 2.12 Zvi Lerman -
      Land reform and farm performance in Europe and Central Asia: a 20 year perspective. (PDF)
  • 2011

    • 1.11 Ayal Kimhi and Nitzan Tzur -
      Long-Run Trends in the Farm Size Distribution in Israel: The Role of Part-Time Farming. (PDF)
    • 2.11 Yacov Tsur and Harry de Gorter -
      On the Regulation of Unobserved Emissions. (PDF)
  • 2010

    • 1.10 Sjak Smulders, Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
      Uncertain Climate Policy and the Green Paradox. (PDF)
    • 2.10 Ayal Kimhi -
      International Remittances, Domestic Remittances, and Income Inequality in the Dominican Republic. (PDF)
  • 2009

    • 1.09 Yacov Tsur -
      On the Theory and Practice of Water Regulation. (PDF)
    • 2.09 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
      Market Structure and the Penetration of Alternative Energy Technologies. (PDF)
    • 3.09 Ayal Kimhi -
  • 2008

    • 1.08 Yair Mundlak, Rita Butzer and Donald F. Larson -
      Heterogeneous Technology and Panel Data:
      The Case of the Agricultural Production Function.
    • 2.08 Zvi Lerman -
      Tajikistan: An Overview of Land and Farm Structure Reforms. (PDF)
  • 2007

    • 1.07 Joseph Gogodze, Iddo Kan and Ayal Kimhi -
      Land Reform and Rural Well Being in the Republic of Georgia: 1996-2003. (PDF)
    • 2.07 Uri Shani, Yacov Tsur, Amos Zemel & David Zilberman -
      Irrigation Production Functions with Water-Capital Substitution. (PDF)
  • 2006

    • 1.06 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
      Regulating Environmental Threats. (PDF)
    • 2.06 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
      Endogenous Recombinant Growth. (PDF)
    • 3.06 Yuval Dolev and Ayal Kimhi -
  • 2005

    • 1.05 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
      Resource Exploitation, Biodiversity Loss and Ecological Events. (PDF)
    • 2.05 Zvi Lerman and Natalya Shagaida -
      Land Reform and Development of Agricultural Land Markets in Russia. (PDF)
  • 2004

    • 1.04 Sanjaya DeSilva, Robert E. Evenson, Ayal Kimhi -
      Labor Supervision and Transaction Costs:
      Evidence from Bicol Rice Farms.
    • 2.04 Ayal Kimhi -
      Economic Well-Being in Rural Communities in Israel. (PDF)
    • 3.04 Ayal Kimhi -
  • 2003

    • 1.03 Yoav Kislev -
      The Reform in the Prices of Water for Agriculture (Hebrew). (PDF).
    • 2.03 Yair Mundlak -
      Economic growth:
      Lessons from two centuries of American agriculture
      . (PDF)
    • 3.03 Yoav Kislev -
  • 2002

    • 1.02 Or Goldfarb and Yoav Kislev -
      A Sustainable Salt Regime in the Coastal Aquifer (Hebrew). (PDF)
    • 2.02 Aliza Fleischer and Yacov Tsur -
      Measuring the Recreational Value of Open Spaces. (PDF)
  • 2001

    • 20101 Ayal Kimhi and Eddie Seiler -
      The Effect of Family Composition on the Off-Farm Participation Decisions in Israeli Farm Households.
    • 20102 Myoung-jae Lee and Ayal Kimhi -
      Threshold Variation and Multivariate Ordered Discrete Response Models.
    • 20103 Yair Mundlak -
      On the Empirics of Economic Growth.
    • 20104 Yair Mundlak and Marcelo Regunaga -
      Economic Aspects of Agricultural Growth in Argentina.
  • 2000

    • 20001 Eli Feinerman and Edward Seiler -
      Intergenerational Transfers with Incomplete Information:
      A Contribution to the "Altruism-Exchange Motivation for Transfers" Debate.
    • 20002 Ayal Kimhi and Nathan Sosner -
      Intrahousehold Allocation of Food in Southern Ethiopia.
    • 20003 Yacov Tsur -
      Economic Aspects of Irrigation Water Pricing. (Hebrew).
    • 20004 Yoav Kislev -
      An Econometric Model of the Israeli Agriculture. (Hebrew).
  • 1999

    • 9901 Edward J. Seiler -
      Intergenerational Transfers, Borrowing Constraints and Household Size.
    • 9902 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
      Sustainable Water Policies and the Optimal Development of Desalination Technologies.
    • 9903 Donald Larson, Rita Butzer, Yair Mundlak & Al Crego -
      A Cross-Country Database for Sector Investment and Capital.
    • 9904 Jonathan Lipow and Eli Feinerman -
  • 1998

    • 9801 Yair Mundlak -
      Land Expansion, Land Augmentation and Land Saving.
    • 9802 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
      The Infinite Horizon Dynamic Optimization Problem Revisited: A Simple Method to Determine Equilibrium Structures.
    • 9803 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
      Regulation of Intertemporal Public Projects.
    • 9804 Yoav Kislev -
      The Economic Heritage of Ran Mosenson.(Hebrew).
    • 9805 Ehud Gelb, Yoav Kislev, Hillary Voet -
  • 1997

    • 9701 Israel Finkelshtain and Ziv Bar-Shira -
      Two-Moments-Decision Models and Utility-Representable Preferences.
    • 9702 Yair Mundlak -
      Agricultural Production Functions - A Critical Survey.
    • 9703 Israel Finkelshtain and Yoav Kislev -
      Political Lobbying and Asymmetry of Pigovian Taxes and Subsidies.
    • 9704 Yair Mundlak -
      The Dynamics of Agriculture.
    • 9705 Yoav Kislev and Evgeniya Vaksin -
  • 1996

    • 9601 Eyal Brill, Eithan Hochman and David Zilberman -
      Allocation and Princing of Water at the Regional Level.
    • 9602 Eithan Hochman and Eyal Brill -
      The Israeli Water Economy: Reform vs.Reality.
    • 9603 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
      Pollution Control in an Uncertain Environment.
    • 9604 Claudio Pesquin, Ayal Kimhi and Yoav Kislev -
      Old Age Security and Intergenerational Transfer of Family Farms.