• 9901 Edward J. Seiler -
    Intergenerational Transfers, Borrowing Constraints and Household Size.
  • 9902 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
    Sustainable Water Policies and the Optimal Development of Desalination Technologies.
  • 9903 Donald Larson, Rita Butzer, Yair Mundlak & Al Crego -
    A Cross-Country Database for Sector Investment and Capital.
  • 9904 Jonathan Lipow and Eli Feinerman -
    Officer Reputation and Quality/Quantity Tradeoffs in Military Procurement.
  • 9905 Edward J. Seiler -
    Informal Private Transfers: Evidence from Urban and Rural Households in Thailand.
  • 9906 Yair Mundlak -
    Production and Supply (revised).
  • 9907 D. Yaron, Y. Bachmat, R. Wallach, S. Meyers, N. Haruvi -
    The Supply and Use of Desalinated Groundwater and Treated Wastewater. (Hebrew).
  • 9911 Aliza Fleischer and Yacov Tsur -
    Measuring the Recreational Value of Agricultural Landscape. (PDF)
  • 9912 Edward J. Seiler -
    Decomposing Consumption Smoothing:
    An Example from Village India.
  • 9913 Dan Yaron -
    Subsidizing Water for Agriculture. (Hebrew).
  • 9914 Amit Kahanovitz, Yoav Kislev and Ayal Kimhi -
    The Development of Family Farms in Moshavim, 1975-1995. (Hebrew).
  • 9915 Anacleti K. Kashuliza and Yoav Kislev -
    Farmer Co-Operatives and the Coffee Auction in Tanzania.
  • 9916 Ayal Kimhi and Noga Nachlieli -
    Intergenerational Succession in Israeli Family Farms.
  • 9917 Eli Feinerman and Hillary Voet -
    Economics of Site Specific Agricultural Technology:
    An Illustration for Variable Rate Irrigation.