• 1.04 Sanjaya DeSilva, Robert E. Evenson, Ayal Kimhi -
    Labor Supervision and Transaction Costs:
    Evidence from Bicol Rice Farms.
  • 2.04 Ayal Kimhi -
    Economic Well-Being in Rural Communities in Israel. (PDF)
  • 3.04 Ayal Kimhi -
    The Role of Agriculture in Rural Well-Being in Israel. (PDF)
  • 4.04 Ayal Kimhi -
    Gender Differences in Health and Nutrition in Southern Ethiopia. (PDF)
  • 5.04 Aliza Fleischer and Yacov Tsur -
    The Amenity Value of Agricultural Landscape and Rural-Urban Land Allocation. (PDF)
  • 6.04 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
    Resource Exploitation, Biodiversity and Ecological Events. (PDF)
  • 7.04 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
    Knowledge Spillover, Learning Incentives and Economic Growth. (PDF)
  • 8.04 Ayal Kimhi -
    Growth, Inequality and Labor Markets in LDCs:
    A Survey.
  • 9.04 Ayal Kimhi -
    Gender and Intrahousehold Food Allocation in Southern Ethiopia. (PDF)
  • 10.04 Yael Kachel, Yoav Kislev and Israel Finkelshtain -
    Equilibrium Contracts in the Israeli Citrus Industry. (PDF)
  • 11.04 Zvi Lerman, Csaba Csaki and Gershon Feder -
    Evolving Farm Structures and Land Use Patterns in Former Socialist Countries. (PDF)
  • 12.04 Margarita Grazhdaninova and Zvi Lerman -
    Allocative and Technical Efficiency of Corporate Farms. (PDF)
  • 13.04 Ruerd Ruben and Zvi Lerman - Why Nicaraguan Peasants Stay in Agricultural Production Cooperatives. (PDF)
  • 14.04 William M. Liefert, Zvi Lerman, Bruce Gardner and Eugenia Serova -
    Agricultural Labor in Russia:
    Efficiency and Profitability. (PDF)