• 1.05 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
    Resource Exploitation, Biodiversity Loss and Ecological Events. (PDF)
  • 2.05 Zvi Lerman and Natalya Shagaida -
    Land Reform and Development of Agricultural Land Markets in Russia. (PDF)
  • 3.05 Ziv Bar-Shira, Israel Finkelshtain and Avi Simhon -
    Regulating Irrigation via Block-Rate Pricing: An Econometric Analysis. (PDF)
  • 4.05 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
    Welfare Measurement under Threats of Environmental Catastrophes. (PDF)
  • 5.05 Avner Ahituv an Ayal Kimhi -
    The Joint Dynamics of Off-Farm Employment and the Level of Farm Activity. (PDF)
  • 6.05 Aliza Fleischer and Marcelo Sternberg -
    The Economic Impact of Global Climate Change on Mediterranean Rangeland Ecosystems:
    A Space-for-Time Approach.
  • 7.05 Yael Kachel and Israel Finkelshtain -
    Antitrust in the Agricultural Sector:
    A Comparative Review of Legislation in Israel, the United States and the European Union.
    (Hebrew) (PDF)
  • 8.05 Zvi Lerman -
    Farm Fragmentation and Productivity:
    Evidence from Georgia
  • 9.05 Zvi Lerman -
    The Impact of Land Reform on Rural Household Income in Transcaucasia and Central Asia (PDF)
  • 10.05 Zvi Lerman and Dragos Cimpoies -
    Land Consolidation as a Factor for Successful Development of Agriculture in Moldova. (PDF)
  • 11.05 Rimma Glukhikh, Zvi Lerman and Moshe Schwartz -
    Vulnerability and Risk Management among Turkmen Leaseholders. (PDF)
  • 12.05 Rimma Glukhikh, Moshe Schwartz and Zvi Lerman -
    Turkmenistan's New Private Farmers:
    The Effect of Human Capital on Performance.
  • 13.05 Ayal Kimhi and Hila Rekah –
    The Simultaneous Evolution of Farm Size and Specialization:
    Dynamic Panel Data Evidence from Israeli Farm Communities.
  • 14.05 Jonathan Lipow and Yakir Plessner -
    Death (Machines) and Taxes. (PDF)