• 1.08 Yair Mundlak, Rita Butzer and Donald F. Larson -
    Heterogeneous Technology and Panel Data:
    The Case of the Agricultural Production Function.
  • 2.08 Zvi Lerman -
    Tajikistan: An Overview of Land and Farm Structure Reforms. (PDF)
  • 3.08 Dmitry Zvyagintsev, Olga Shick, Eugenia Serova and Zvi Lerman -
    Diversification of Rural Incomes and Non-Farm Rural Employment:
    Evidence from Russia.
  • 4.08 Dragos Cimpoies and Zvi Lerman -
    Land Policy and Farm Efficiency:
    The Lessons of Moldova.
  • 5.08 Ayal Kimhi -
    Has Debt Restructuring Facilitated Structural Transformation on Israeli Family Farms? (PDF)
  • 6.08 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
    Endogenous Discounting and Climate Policy. (PDF)
  • 7.08 Zvi Lerman -
    Agricultural Development in Uzbekistan:
    The Effect of Ongoing Reforms.
  • 8.08 Iddo Kan, Ofira Ayalon and Roy Federman -
    Economic Efficiency of Compost Production:
    The Case of Israel.
  • 9.08 Iddo Kan, David Haim, Mickey Rapaport-Rom and Mordechai Shechter -
    Environmental Amenities and Optimal Agricultural Land Use:
    The Case of Israel
  • 10.08 Goetz, Linde, von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan and Kachel, Yael -
    Measuring Price Transmission in the International Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chain:
    The Case of Israeli Grapefruit Exports to the EU.
  • 11.08 Yuval Dolev and Ayal Kimhi -
    Does Farm Size Really Converge? The Role of Unobserved Farm Efficiency. (PDF)
  • 12.08 Jonathan Kaminski -
    Changing Incentives to Sow Cotton for African Farms:
    Evidence from the Burkina Faso Reform.
  • 13.08 Jonathan Kaminski -
    Wealth, Living Standards and Perceptions in a Cotton Economy:
    Evidence from the Cotton Reform in Burkina Faso.
  • 14.08 Arthur Fishman, Israel Finkelshtain, Avi Simhon and Nira Yacouel -
    The Economics of Collective Brands. (PDF)
  • 15.08 Zvi Lerman -
    Farm Debt in Transition:
    The Problem and Possible Solutions.
  • 16.08 Zvi Lerman and David Sedik -
    The Economic Effects of Land Reform in Central Asia:
    The Case of Tajikistan.
  • 17.08 Ayal Kimhi -
    Male Income, Female Income, and Household Income Inequality in Israel:
    A Decomposition Analysis.