• 1.09 Yacov Tsur -
    On the Theory and Practice of Water Regulation. (PDF)
  • 2.09 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
    Market Structure and the Penetration of Alternative Energy Technologies. (PDF)
  • 3.09 Ayal Kimhi -
    Entrepreneurship and Income Inequality in Southern Ethiopia. (PDF)
  • 4.09 Ayal Kimhi -
    Revitalizing and Modernizing Smallholder Agriculture for Food Security Rural Development and Demobilization in a Post-War Country: The Case of the Aldeia Nova Project in Angola.. (PDF)
  • 5.09 Jonathan Kaminski, Derek Headey and Tanguy Bernard -
    Institutional Reform in the Burkinabe Cotton Sector and its Impacts on Incomes and Food Security: 1996-2006.. (PDF)
  • 6.09 Yuko Arayama, Jong Moo Kim and Ayal Kimhi
    Identifying Determinants of Income Inequality in the Presence of Multiple Income Sources: The Case of Korean Farm Households. (PDF)
  • 7.09 Arie Leizarowitz and Yacov Tsur -
    Resource Management with Stochastic Recharge and Environmental Threats.. (PDF)
  • 8.09 Ayal Kimhi -
    Demand for On-Farm Permanent Hired Labor in Family Holdings: A Comment.. (PDF)
  • 9.09 Ayal Kimhi -
    On the Interpretation (and Misinterpretation) of Inequality Decompositions by Income Sources. (PDF)
  • 10.09 Ayal Kimhi -
    Land Reform and Farm-Household Income Inequality: The Case of Georgia. (PDF)
  • 11.09 Zvi Lerman and David Sedik -
    Agrarian Reform in Kyrgyzstan: Achievements and the Unfinished Agenda. (PDF)
  • 12.09 Zvi Lerman and David Sedik -
    Farm Debt in Transition Countries: Lessons for Tajikistan. (PDF)
  • 13.09 Zvi Lerman and David Sedik -
    Sources of Agricultural Productivity Growth in Central Asia: The Case of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. (PDF)
  • 14.09 Zvi Lerman -
    Agricultural Recovery and Individual Land Tenure: Lessons from Central Asia. (PDF)
  • 15.09 Yacov Tsur and Amos Zemel -
    On the Dynamics of Competing Energy Sources. (PDF)
  • 16.09 Jonathan Kaminski -
    Contracting with Smallholders under Joint Liability. (PDF)