eyal ert
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2nd Choice Prediction Competition
2nd Choice Prediction competition: Market Entry Games
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3rd Choice Prediction Competition
3rd Choice Prediction Competition: Social Preferences in Extensive Form Games
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4th Choice Prediction Competition
4th Choice Prediction Competition: Decisions under Risk and Ambiguity
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Choice Prediction Competition
What are Choice Prediction Competitions?
Choice prediction competitions aim to promote the development of models that may predict, rather than merely describe, behavior in the social sciences. Each competition focuses of a different area of interest in behavioral decision/economic research.
List of Publications
Journal Publications:
- Ert, E., Fleischer, A., Kopolovich, D. (in press). Gender earnings gap on digital platforms: The Airbnb case. Tourism Economics.
Prof. Eyal Ert
Research Overview:
Prof. Eyal Ert
Associate Professor
Head, Hospitality, Food resources, and Tourism Management Program
Adaptive decision-making, risk-taking and risk perception.