Table of Contents

Curriculum Vitae

CV for download


2005-2008 Ph.D., Technion, Israel (Behavioral and Management Sciences)

2003-2005 M.Sc., Technion, Israel (Behavioral and Management Sciences), Cum-Laude

2000-2003 B.A., University of Haifa, Israel (Economics and Psychology, Double Major)



2017- present     Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Economics and Management, Hebrew University

2010 - 2017       Senior Lecturer, Department of Environmental Economics and Management, Hebrew University

2008 - 2010       CLER research fellow, Harvard Business School



2010 Computational Modeling Prize in Applied Cognition (Cognitive Science 2010 awards)

2007 "Jacobs Award" for excellence in research

2007 "Sandor Szego Award" for continued excellence in teaching, Technion

2006 "Sandor Szego Award" for continued excellence in teaching, Technion

2005 "Vivian Konigsberg Award" for excellence in teaching, Technion


Editorial Boards:

2019-present: Associate Editor: Journal of Economic Psychology

2015-present: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

2015-present: Journal of Travel Research



2011 Guest Editor (with Ido Erev and Al Roth): Special issue: Predicting Behavior in Games Games