eli feinerman

List of Publications

Feinerman, E . and D. Yaron (1983). "Economics of Irrigation Water Mixing Within a Farm Framework." Water Resources Research . 19, 337-345.

Feinerman, E . and K. C. Knapp (1983). "Benefits from Groundwater Management: Magnitude, Sensitivity, and Distribution." American Journal of Agricultural Economics . 65, 703-710.


Published about 60 articles in refereed leading scientific journals and a number of chapters in edited books. Research over the last few years can be categorized by the following fields of interest: Economics of water utilization and water policies; Agri-environmental integrated policy instruments; Decision making under conditions of uncertainty and asymmetric- information; Counter-urbanization and development of rural areas.

Curriculum Vitae


1972- B.Sc, Dep. Of Agric. Econ. and Management, The Hebrew University, with distinction,

1975- M.Sc, Dep. Of Agric. Econ. and Management, The Hebrew University, with distinction

1980- Ph.D, Dep. Of Agric. Econ. and Management, The Hebrew University;

Ph.D. Dissertation: "Economic Analysis of Long-Term Irrigation with Saline Water under Uncertainty”.


Academic Positions

2011-Present: Head of the Authority for Community and Youth of The Hebrew University.

Prof. Eli Feinerman

Published about 60 articles in refereed leading scientific journals and a number of chapters in edited books. Research over the last few years can be categorized by the following fields of interest: Economics of water utilization and water policies; Agri-environmental integrated policy instruments; Decision making under conditions of uncertainty and asymmetric- information; Counter-urbanization and development of rural areas.