
Prof. Ayal Kimhi


Structural changes on family farms in developed, developing and transition economies.

Family farms worldwide are undergoing structural changes, driven in part by internal factors such as technology adoption, external factors such as climate changes and off-farm labor markets, and the policy environment.

List of Publications


Journal Articles

 Ben-Tal, A., and Eithan Hochman, "Mores Bounds on the Expectation of a Convex  Function of a Random Variable,"
 Journal of Applied Probability, Vol. 9 (December,1972), pp. 803-812.

Hochman, Eithan, O. Hochman, and A. Razin, "Demand for Investment  in Productive  and Financial Capital," 
European Economic Review, Vol. 4, No. 1 (April, 1973), pp. 76-83.

Curriculum Vitae


B.A.  1956 Economics Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel
B.Sc.  1959 Agriculture Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel
M.A.   1962 Economics Hebrew University

Prof. Eithan Hochman

Economics of natural resources and environment, Agricultural research and development.


List of Publications

Feinerman, E . and D. Yaron (1983). "Economics of Irrigation Water Mixing Within a Farm Framework." Water Resources Research . 19, 337-345.

Feinerman, E . and K. C. Knapp (1983). "Benefits from Groundwater Management: Magnitude, Sensitivity, and Distribution." American Journal of Agricultural Economics . 65, 703-710.


Published about 60 articles in refereed leading scientific journals and a number of chapters in edited books. Research over the last few years can be categorized by the following fields of interest: Economics of water utilization and water policies; Agri-environmental integrated policy instruments; Decision making under conditions of uncertainty and asymmetric- information; Counter-urbanization and development of rural areas.

Curriculum Vitae


1972- B.Sc, Dep. Of Agric. Econ. and Management, The Hebrew University, with distinction,

1975- M.Sc, Dep. Of Agric. Econ. and Management, The Hebrew University, with distinction

1980- Ph.D, Dep. Of Agric. Econ. and Management, The Hebrew University;

Ph.D. Dissertation: "Economic Analysis of Long-Term Irrigation with Saline Water under Uncertainty”.


Academic Positions

2011-Present: Head of the Authority for Community and Youth of The Hebrew University.

Prof. Eli Feinerman

Published about 60 articles in refereed leading scientific journals and a number of chapters in edited books. Research over the last few years can be categorized by the following fields of interest: Economics of water utilization and water policies; Agri-environmental integrated policy instruments; Decision making under conditions of uncertainty and asymmetric- information; Counter-urbanization and development of rural areas.


List of Publications

Doctoral  Dissertation  

  1.  "Aversion to Income Risk in the Presence of Other Risks: Theory and Applications,” supervised by Prof James A. Chalfant, 1990. Publications: #5, #7, Chapter: #1.


Curriculum Vitae

Higher Education

B.S Agr. , Magna Cum laude, Agricultural Economics and Management, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1983 (Dean's list).

M.Sc. Suma Cum laude , Agricultural Economics and Management, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1985 (Gal Distinguished Student Fellowship).

Ph.D., Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, Supervisor: James A. Chalfant, 1990 (University of California Fellowship).

Prof. Israel Finkelshtain

Sectoral structure of agricultural markets, Environmental aspects of political economy, Environmental control, Bid economics, Measurement of technological change