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Yakir Plessner

Prof. Yakir Plessner

In Memoriam
Environmental Economics and Management

Yakir Plessner
1935 - 2014

Water recycling, monetary policy, capital markets, banking system.

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Degrees:
1961 - B.Sc.    Agriculture, The Hebrew University.
1963 - M.Sc.,    Agricultural Economics, The Hebrew University
1965 - Ph.D.    Iowa State University.

a. Academic
2005    Instructor, National Defense College.
2003 -    Emeritus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2000 - 2003    Chair, Department of Agricultural Economics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1999 - 2000    Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Economics, American University, Washington, D.C.
1997 - 2003    Associate professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1973 - 1996    Senior Lecturer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1992 - 1993    Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, American University, Washington, D.C.
1987 - 1988    Visiting Professor, Dept. of Economics, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
1985 - 1986    Joseph and Esther Foster Visiting Professor, Dept. of Economics, Brandeis University, Boston, MA
1977 - 1978    Research Consultant, Development Research Center, The World Bank
1971 - 1973    Visiting Lecturer, Dept. of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadellphia, PA
1967 - 1973    Lecturer, The Hebrw University of Jerusalem    
1963 - 1966    Research Associate, Dept. of Economics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
1962 - 1963    Research Assistant, Dept. of Economics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
1961 - 1962    Research Assistant, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

b. Non-academic
1982 - 1985    Deputy Governon, Bank of Israel.
1981 - 1983 -    Economic Advisor to the Minister of Finance of Israel.

Part-time Employment
a. Academic
Winter, 1994    Visiting Professor, New Economic School, Moscow, Russia
Summer, 1993    Visiting Scholar, Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Summer, 1990    Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Summer, 1986    Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Summer, 1980    Visiting Lecturer, Department of Economics, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Summer, 1975    Visiting Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
1966 - 1969    Visiting Lecturer, Department of Economics, Tel-Aviv University
Summer, 1965    Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Missouri at Columbia.

b. Non-academic
2010    Member, Board of Directors, The Corporation for the Development of Rehovot.
2009    Prepared a survey of Israel's Water Economy for the Commission of Inquiry on Israel's Water Economy
2006-present    Consultant with Sadan-Lowental, Inc..
8/06-2/07    Chair, Committee on the Evaluation of Financial Assets of Holocaust Victims, appointed by the Minister of Justice (statutory).
9/97-2/99    Member, Commission on National Defense Spending, appointed by Director General of the Ministry of defense.
Spring 1997    Appointed by Israel's Ministry of Agriculture to Recommend Changes in the Institutional Setup of Israel's Avocado Exports
10/94-10/97    Chief lecturer and tutor, Koret Project for Policy Interns (a program of consultants to members of the Knesset, the Israeli legislature).
1991 - 2003    Consultant with the Economic Adviser Department of the Ministry of Defense of Israel
1990    Member of the Commission for the Implementation of Justice Netanyahu Reform Recommendations for Israel's Health System
1980    Appointed by a subcommittee of the Israeli Legislature to submit a plan for the reorganization of Israel's flower export system
1979 - 1981    Consulted with Israel's Ministry of Defense on the construction of two military airfields in connection with the Camp David Peace Agreement
Winter, 1977    Consultant with the World Bank on a study of subsidies in Mexico
Fall, 1974    Participated in the planning of, and teaching in a course for senior agricultural ministry officials in Iran
Spring, 1970    Prepared a feasibility study on a citrus plantation project in Madagascar, for the Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Israel
Spring, 1969    Consulted with Tahal Co. in connection with its development project in Quasvin, Iran.
Additional Occupation
1982 - 1985    1. Member, Securities Authority, State of Israel.
2. Member, Board of Directors, Israel Chemicals

Teaching Experience
Micro and macroeconomics at the introductory, intermediate and advanced levels; economics of uncertainty; mathematical programming; theory of investment; money and banking; operations research; econometrics at the introductory level; the economy of Israel.
1965    Member, Gamma Sigma Delta
1974    The Biannual Oded Levine Prize awarded by the Opaerations Research Society of Israel
1998    Koret Foundation First Prize for best paper on Israel's economy.
Journalistic Activities
Published articles in all of Israel's major newspapers; wrote regularly for Globes, Israel's leading business paper. Had weekly talk spots on both of Israel's public radio networks.