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Chapters in Book Collections
- Zilberman, D., Yarkin, C. and Heiman, A. (1998). "Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Transfer, and Genetic Resource Utilization," In M. Smale, Ed. Farmers, Gene Banks and Crop Breeding, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 191–204.
- Yarkin, C., Zilberman, D. and Heiman, A. (1999). "Agricultural Biotechnology: Economic and International Implications," Food Security, Diversification and Resource Management: Refocusing the Role of Agriculture? Invited paper, Proceedings of the 23rd International Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, G.H. Peters and J. Von Braun, Eds. Ashgate, 144–161. (ISBN- 9780851996189 1).
- Yarkin, C., Zilberman, D., and Heiman, A. (2000). "Knowledge Management and the Economics of Agricultural Biotechnology," In V. Santaniello et al., Eds. Agricultural and Intellectual Property Rights, CABI Publishing, Oxon, New York. (ISBN-0 815199 457 1), 15 in Google Scholar.
- Zilberman, D. and Heiman, A. (2004). "The Value of Economics Research," In P. G Pardey and V. H. Smith, Eds. What's Economics Worth? Valuing Policy Research, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 275–299. (ISBN 0-8018-7941-8).
- Graff, G., Heiman, A., Zilberman, D., Castillo, F. and Parker, D. (2002). "Universities, Technology Transfer, and Industrial R&D," In R.E. Evanston et al., Eds. Economic and Social Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology, CABI Publishing, Oxon, New York, CBAI International, Chapter 7, 93–117.(ISBN-0 815199 457 1).
- Zilberman, D., Metcalfe, M. and Heiman, A. (2005). "Economics and the Adoption of Information Technology with Evidence from California," In T.G. Schmitz, C.B. Moss, A Schmitz, A. Kagan and B. Babcock, Eds. E-Commerce in Agribusiness, Florida Science Source, Inc., 45–44. (ISBN0-944961-07-X)
- Heiman, A. and Zilberman, D. (2005). "The Internet and the Economics of High-Value Agriculture Products: Theory and Evidence from Europe and Israel," In T.G. Schmitz, C.B. Moss, A. Schmitz, A. Kagan and B. Babcock, Eds. E-Commerce in Agribusiness, Florida Science Source, Inc., 295–322. (ISBN0-944961-07-X)
- Heiman, A., Jin, Y.D. and Zilberman, D. (2009). "Marketing Environmental Services," In Leslie Lipper, Randy Stringer, Takumi Sakuyama and David Zilberman, Eds. Payments for Environmental Services in Agricultural Landscapes: Policies and Incentives for Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries. New York: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Natural Resource Management and Policy Series, Vol. 31, Springer, London, UK, Chapter 4. ISBN: 978-0-387-72969-5.
- Heiman, A. and Zilberman, D. (2009). "Risk, Risk Reduction Tools and Adoption of Innovation," In Advances in Technology Adoption and Innovation in Marketing, Rajet Gera, Ed. MacMillan Publications India. New Delhi, 273-286. ISBN 10:0230-63807.
- Heiman, A., McWilliams, B. and Zilberman, D. (2012). "The Effect of Social Norms and Economic Considerations on Purchases of Chicken." In Health and Animal Agriculture in Developing Countries, Zilberman, Otte, Roland-Holst, Eds., Pfeiffer, Springer, New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, ISBN 978-1-4419-7076-3 e-ISBN 978-1-4419-7077-0, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7077-0
- Heiman, A. and Muller, E. (1996). Using demonstration to increase new product acceptance: controlling demonstration time. Journal of Marketing Research 33:422–30.
- Zilberman, D. and Heiman, A. (1997). The value of economic research. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79 (proceedings issue):1539–1544.
- Heiman, A., McWilliams, B., Shen, Z. and Zilberman, D. (2001). Learning and forgetting – Modeling optimal product sampling over time. Management Science 47(4):1-15.
- Heiman, A., Zilberman, D. and McWilliams, B. (2001). Demonstration and money-back guarantees: Market mechanisms to reduce purchasing uncertainty. Journal of Business Research 53(1):71–84.
- Heiman, A., Just, D. R. and Zilberman, D. (2000). The role of socio-economic factors and life style variables on attitude and the demand for genetically modified foods. Journal of Agribusiness 18(3):249–60.
- Zilberman, D., Yarkin, C. and Heiman, A. (2001). Privatization and innovation in agricultural biotechnology [invited paper]. Biofuture 209:40–44. (in French)
- Heiman, A., McWilliams, B. and Zilberman, D. (2001). Reducing purchasing risk with demonstrations and money-back guarantees. Marketing Management Journal 11:1–15.
- Heiman, A., Just, D. R., McWilliams, B. and Zilberman, D. (2001). Incorporating interaction between family members and socioeconomic variables into family production functions: The case of demand for meats. Agribusiness 17(4):455–468.
- Heiman, A., Just, D. R. and Zilberman, D. (2001). The effect of religion, education and income on the level of acceptance of biotechnology. International Journal of Biotechnology 3(4): 257–59.
- Heiman, A., Zilberman, D. and Baylis, K. (2001). The role of agricultural promotions in reducing uncertainties of exported fruits and vegetables. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 12(3):1–26.
- Heiman, A. (2002). The use of advertising to encourage water conservation: Theory and empirical evidence. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education 121:79–86.
- Heiman, A., McWilliams, B., Zhao J. and Zilberman, D. (2002). Consumers' valuation of money-back guarantee options. Journal of Retailing 78(23):193–205.
- Heiman, A., Miranowski J., Zilberman, D. and Alix J. (2002). The increasing role of agribusiness in agricultural economics. Journal of Agribusiness 23(1):1–30.
- Graff, G., Heiman, A. and Zilberman, D. (2002). Universities, technology transfer, and industrial R&D. California Management Review 45(1):88–115.
- Heiman, A. and Goldschmidt E. E. (2004). Testing the potential benefits of brands in horticultural products: The case of oranges. HortTechnology 14(1):28–32.
- Heiman, A., Jin Y.H., Graff G. and Zilberman, D. (2004). Information, consumers, and GMF: A comment. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(5) (proceedings issue):1247–1248.
- Just, D. R., Zilberman, D. and Heiman, A. (2007). The interaction of religion and family members' influence on food decisions. Journal of Food Quality and Preference 18(5):786–94.
- Jin Y.H., Zilberman, D. and Heiman, A. (2008). Choosing brands: Fresh produce versus other products. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90(2):463–75.
- Heiman, A. and Lowengart, O. (2008). The effect of information about health hazards on demand in frequently purchased commodities. International Journal of Research in Marketing 25:310–18.
- Ofir, C., Raghubir P., Shadur G., Monroe K.B. and Heiman, A. (2008). Memory-based store price judgments: The role of knowledge. Journal of Retailing 84(4):414–23.
- Heiman, A. and Lowengart, O. (2011). The effects of information about health hazards in food on consumers' choice process. Journal of Econometrics 162:140–47.
- Heiman, A. (2010). The economics of demonstrations: The effect of competition on demonstration and price strategies. Marketing Letters 21:351–63.
- Heiman, A. and Ofir. C. (2010). The effects of imbalanced competition on demonstration strategies. International Journal of Research in Marketing 27(2):175–87.
- Jin Y.H., Zilberman, D., Heiman, A. and Ying, L. (2011). Willingness to pay for brands: A cross-region, cross-category analysis. Agricultural Economics 42(2):141–52.
- Hochman, G., Hochman, O., Hochman, E., Heiman, A. and Leung, P. S. (2011). Advertising versus sales in demand creation. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 11(1):1–29.
- Heiman, A., Agmon, O., Fleisher, R. and Zilberman, D. (2011).Attitude and purchasing decisions regarding genetically modified foods based on gender and education. Int. J. of Biotechnology 12(1/2):51–65
- Heiman, A. and Lowengart, O. (2011). The calorie dilemma: Leaner and larger, or tastier yet smaller meals?. Marketing ZFP/Journal of Research and Management 33:305–316.
- Heiman, A. and Zilberman, D. (2011). The effects of framing on consumers' choice of gm foods. AgBioforum 14(3):1–9.
- Zilberman, D., Zhao J. and Heiman, A. (2012). "Adoption versus adaptation [invited paper]. Annual Review of Resource Economics 4:27–53.
- Heiman, A. (2013). Consumers' willingness to purchase genetically modified products with superior benefit when the conventional alternative is risky, and its relationship to GM food. AgBioforum 16(1): 1–7.
- Heiman, A. and Lowengart, O. (2014). Calorie information effects on consumers' food choices: Sources of observed gender heterogeneity. Journal of Business Research, 76(5):964–73.
- Heiman, A. (2014). The effect of information on multiple attributes regarding consumers' choices of GM products. Environment and Development Economics 19(6): 769–85.'_choices_of_GM_products
- Heiman, A., McWilliams, B., Just, D. R. and Zilberman, D. (2015). A prospect theory approach to assessing changes in parameters of insurance contracts with an application to money-back guarantees. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 54(C):105–117.
- Ert E. , Raz O. and Heiman, A. (2016). (Poor) seeing is believing: When direct experience impairs product promotion. International Journal of Research in Marketing 33(4): 881–95.
- Ert, E. and Heiman A. (2017). Potential psychological accounts for the relation between food insecurity and body overweight, Behavioral and Brain Science 40 E117.
- Ghose, S. , Heiman, A. and Lowengart, O. (2017). Isolating strategy effectiveness of brands in an emerging market: A choice modeling approach. Journal of Brand Management 24(2):161–177.
- Castillo, F., Gilless J.K., Heiman, A. and Zilberman, D. (2018). Time of adoption and intensity of technology transfer: An institutional analysis of offices of technology transfer in the United States, The Journal of Technology Transfer 43(1): 120–138.
- Heiman, A. and Hildebrandt, L. (2018). Marketing as risk management mechanism with application in agriculture, resource and food management (invited paper). Annual Review of Resource Economics 10:253–77.
- Heiman, A., Zilberman, D. and Gordon B. (2019). Food beliefs and food supply chains: The impact of religion and religiosity in Israel. Food Policy, 83: 363-369.
- Heiman, A., Ferguson, J., and Zilberman, D. (2020). Marketing and Technology Adoption. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 42 (1), 21-30.
- Heiman, A. and Just, D.R. (2021). Nationalism in the Produce Aisle: Using Country of Origin Labels to Stir Patriotism and Animosity. Q Open: A journal of agricultural, climate, environmental, food, resource and rural development economics 1(1), 1-18.
- Reardon, Thomas, Heiman, Amir, Lu, Liang, Nuthalapati, Chandra SR, Vos, Rob, & Zilberman, David (2021). “Pivoting” by food industry firms to cope with COVID-19 in developing regions: e-commerce and “co-pivoting” delivery-intermediaries. Agricultural Economics. 2021;1–17.
Biyalogorsky, E., Heiman, A. and Muller, E. (2022). The differential effects of time and usage on the brand premiums of automobiles. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(1), 212-226.
Heiman A., Reardon T. and Zilberman D. (2022). The effects of COVID-19 on the adoption of “on-the-shelf technologies”: Virtual dressing room software and the expected rise of third-party reverse-logistics, Service Science (available online 08 March 2022).
Zilberman, D., Reardon T., Silver, J., Lu, L. and Heiman A. (2022). From the laboratory to the consumer: Innovation, supply chain, and adoption with applications to natural resources. PNAS 119(23), 1-9.
Other Publications
- Graff, G., Heiman, A., Yarkin, C. and Zilberman, D. (2003). Privatization and innovation in agricultural biotechnology. ARE Update 6(3):5–7, Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, 200.
- Heiman, A., Just, D. R., McWilliams, B. and Zilberman, D. (2004). Religion, religiosity, lifestyles and food consumption, Agriculture Resource Economics 8(2):9–11.
- Aker, J.C., Heiman, A., McWilliams, B. and Zilberman, D.PI (2005). Marketing institutions, risk, and technology adoption. Agriculture Marketing Resource Center.
- Heiman, A. and Ofir C. (2007). Perspectives on marketing of food, nutrition and biotechnology (book review). Journal or Rural Cooperation 35(1):91–4.
- Heiman, A., Karo, T., Goldschmidt, E. E., Neale, R. and Bustan, A. (2002). Fruit quality perception by growers, retailers and consumers: The case of oranges. Acta Horticulture 584:177–84. Cited by 2 (Google Scholar).
- Heiman, A. and Goldschmidt E. E. (2006). Alternatives and concerns: Summarizing the "Shmita" of 2006. Judea and Samaria Research Studies 19: 639–80.
- Heiman, A., Lowengart, O., Zilberman, D. and Amir, M.K. (2011). Health, diet, nutritional information, and consumer choice. ARE Update 14(6):9–11. University of California, Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.
- Heiman, A. and Zilberman, D. (2012). Information framing and consumer choices of genetically modified food. ARE Update 15(3):9–11. University of California, Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.
- Heiman, A., Hornik, J. and Lowengart, O. (2012). The effect on sales of message strategy for risk-reduction campaigns during health crises, Journal of Service and Science Management 5(1): 77–86. DOI: 10.4236/jssm.2012.51009, .
Articles in Professional Journals
- Zilberman, D. and Heiman, A. (1999). The value of economics research. Impact Assessment Discussion Papers 7, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C.
- Heiman, A. (1998). What is the reason for not buying more chickens? The Poultry Industry Journal, July: 13–22. [in Hebrew]
- Karo, T., Heiman, A. and Goldschmidt, E. (2000). The Shamuti orange grown in the South is not less sweet. Citrus Time, April: 14–15.
- Heiman, A. (2000). "What is the reason for not buying more eggs?" The Poultry Industry Journal, September: 17–18. [in Hebrew]
- Heiman, A. (2005). Branding strategy in the flower industry: Part 1. The Flower Magazine, April. [in Hebrew]
- Heiman, A. (2005). Branding strategy in the flower industry: Part 2" The Flower Magazine, July. [in Hebrew]
- Heiman, A., Goldschmidt, E., Dachtiger N. and Polak, E. (2007). Beliefs and religious rules meet at the green grocery, Makor Rishon (Hazofe), Economic Section, October 19: 11. [in Hebrew]
- Heiman, A. (2009). Increasing the demand for aquaculture products: Alternative strategies. Fisheries and Fish Breeding in Israel 3: 1359–1363. [in Hebrew]
- Heiman, A. (2016). The cancellation of customs duties on fish imports and its expected effect on the industry. Fisheries and Fish Breeding in Israel 2-3, 2033-2035. [in Hebrew]