All Publications
Chapters in Book Collections
Zilberman, D., Yarkin, C. and Heiman, A. (1998). "Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Transfer, and Genetic Resource Utilization," In M. Smale, Ed. Farmers, Gene Banks and Crop Breeding, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 191–204.
Yarkin, C., Zilberman, D. and Heiman, A. (1999). "Agricultural Biotechnology: Economic and International Implications," Food Security, Diversification and Resource Management: Refocusing the Role of Agriculture? Invited paper, Proceedings of the 23rd International Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, G.H. Peters and J. Von Braun, Eds. Ashgate, 144–161. (ISBN- 9780851996189 1).
Yarkin, C., Zilberman, D., and Heiman, A. (2000). "Knowledge Management and the Economics of Agricultural Biotechnology," In V. Santaniello et al., Eds. Agricultural and Intellectual Property Rights, CABI Publishing, Oxon, New York. (ISBN-0 815199 457 1), 15 in Google Scholar.
Zilberman, D. and Heiman, A. (2004). "The Value of Economics Research," In P. G Pardey and V. H. Smith, Eds. What's Economics Worth? Valuing Policy Research, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 275–299. (ISBN 0-8018-7941-8).
Graff, G., Heiman, A., Zilberman, D., Castillo, F. and Parker, D. (2002). "Universities, Technology Transfer, and Industrial R&D," In R.E. Evanston et al., Eds. Economic and Social Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology, CABI Publishing, Oxon, New York, CBAI International, Chapter 7, 93–117.(ISBN-0 815199 457 1).
Zilberman, D., Metcalfe, M. and Heiman, A. (2005). "Economics and the Adoption of Information Technology with Evidence from California," In T.G. Schmitz, C.B. Moss, A Schmitz, A. Kagan and B. Babcock, Eds. E-Commerce in Agribusiness, Florida Science Source, Inc., 45–44. (ISBN0-944961-07-X)
Heiman, A. and Zilberman, D. (2005). "The Internet and the Economics of High-Value Agriculture Products: Theory and Evidence from Europe and Israel," In T.G. Schmitz, C.B. Moss, A. Schmitz, A. Kagan and B. Babcock, Eds. E-Commerce in Agribusiness, Florida Science Source, Inc., 295–322. (ISBN0-944961-07-X)
Heiman, A., Jin, Y.D. and Zilberman, D. (2009). "Marketing Environmental Services," In Leslie Lipper, Randy Stringer, Takumi Sakuyama and David Zilberman, Eds. Payments for Environmental Services in Agricultural Landscapes: Policies and Incentives for Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries. New York: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Natural Resource Management and Policy Series, Vol. 31, Springer, London, UK, Chapter 4. ISBN: 978-0-387-72969-5.
Heiman, A. and Zilberman, D. (2009). "Risk, Risk Reduction Tools and Adoption of Innovation," In Advances in Technology Adoption and Innovation in Marketing, Rajet Gera, Ed. MacMillan Publications India. New Delhi, 273-286. ISBN 10:0230-63807.
Heiman, A., McWilliams, B. and Zilberman, D. (2012). "The Effect of Social Norms and Economic Considerations on Purchases of Chicken." In Health and Animal Agriculture in Developing Countries, Zilberman, Otte, Roland-Holst, Eds., Pfeiffer, Springer, New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, ISBN 978-1-4419-7076-3 e-ISBN 978-1-4419-7077-0, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7077-0
Heiman, A. and Muller, E. (1996). Using demonstration to increase new product acceptance: controlling demonstration time. Journal of Marketing Research 33:422–30.
Zilberman, D. and Heiman, A. (1997). The value of economic research. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79 (proceedings issue):1539–1544.
Heiman, A., McWilliams, B., Shen, Z. and Zilberman, D. (2001). Learning and forgetting – Modeling optimal product sampling over time. Management Science 47(4):1-15.
Heiman, A., Zilberman, D. and McWilliams, B. (2001). Demonstration and money-back guarantees: Market mechanisms to reduce purchasing uncertainty. Journal of Business Research 53(1):71–84.
Heiman, A., Just, D. R. and Zilberman, D. (2000). The role of socio-economic factors and life style variables on attitude and the demand for genetically modified foods. Journal of Agribusiness 18(3):249–60.
Zilberman, D., Yarkin, C. and Heiman, A. (2001). Privatization and innovation in agricultural biotechnology [invited paper]. Biofuture 209:40–44. (in French)
Heiman, A., McWilliams, B. and Zilberman, D. (2001). Reducing purchasing risk with demonstrations and money-back guarantees. Marketing Management Journal 11:1–15.
Heiman, A., Just, D. R., McWilliams, B. and Zilberman, D. (2001). Incorporating interaction between family members and socioeconomic variables into family production functions: The case of demand for meats. Agribusiness 17(4):455–468.
Heiman, A., Just, D. R. and Zilberman, D. (2001). The effect of religion, education and income on the level of acceptance of biotechnology. International Journal of Biotechnology 3(4): 257–59.
Heiman, A., Zilberman, D. and Baylis, K. (2001). The role of agricultural promotions in reducing uncertainties of exported fruits and vegetables. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 12(3):1–26.
Heiman, A. (2002). The use of advertising to encourage water conservation: Theory and empirical evidence. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education 121:79–86.
Heiman, A., McWilliams, B., Zhao J. and Zilberman, D. (2002). Consumers' valuation of money-back guarantee options. Journal of Retailing 78(23):193–205.
Heiman, A., Miranowski J., Zilberman, D. and Alix J. (2002). The increasing role of agribusiness in agricultural economics. Journal of Agribusiness 23(1):1–30.
Graff, G., Heiman, A. and Zilberman, D. (2002). Universities, technology transfer, and industrial R&D. California Management Review 45(1):88–115.
Heiman, A. and Goldschmidt E. E. (2004). Testing the potential benefits of brands in horticultural products: The case of oranges. HortTechnology 14(1):28–32.
Heiman, A., Jin Y.H., Graff G. and Zilberman, D. (2004). Information, consumers, and GMF: A comment. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(5) (proceedings issue):1247–1248.
Just, D. R., Zilberman, D. and Heiman, A. (2007). The interaction of religion and family members' influence on food decisions. Journal of Food Quality and Preference 18(5):786–94.
Jin Y.H., Zilberman, D. and Heiman, A. (2008). Choosing brands: Fresh produce versus other products. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90(2):463–75.
Heiman, A. and Lowengart, O. (2008). The effect of information about health hazards on demand in frequently purchased commodities. International Journal of Research in Marketing 25:310–18.
Ofir, C., Raghubir P., Shadur G., Monroe K.B. and Heiman, A. (2008). Memory-based store price judgments: The role of knowledge. Journal of Retailing 84(4):414–23.
Heiman, A. and Lowengart, O. (2011). The effects of information about health hazards in food on consumers' choice process. Journal of Econometrics 162:140–47.
Heiman, A. (2010). The economics of demonstrations: The effect of competition on demonstration and price strategies. Marketing Letters 21:351–63.
Heiman, A. and Ofir. C. (2010). The effects of imbalanced competition on demonstration strategies. International Journal of Research in Marketing 27(2):175–87.
Jin Y.H., Zilberman, D., Heiman, A. and Ying, L. (2011). Willingness to pay for brands: A cross-region, cross-category analysis. Agricultural Economics 42(2):141–52.
Hochman, G., Hochman, O., Hochman, E., Heiman, A. and Leung, P. S. (2011). Advertising versus sales in demand creation. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 11(1):1–29.
Heiman, A., Agmon, O., Fleisher, R. and Zilberman, D. (2011).Attitude and purchasing decisions regarding genetically modified foods based on gender and education. Int. J. of Biotechnology 12(1/2):51–65
Heiman, A. and Lowengart, O. (2011). The calorie dilemma: Leaner and larger, or tastier yet smaller meals?. Marketing ZFP/Journal of Research and Management 33:305–316.
Heiman, A. and Zilberman, D. (2011). The effects of framing on consumers' choice of gm foods. AgBioforum 14(3):1–9.
Zilberman, D., Zhao J. and Heiman, A. (2012). "Adoption versus adaptation [invited paper]. Annual Review of Resource Economics 4:27–53.
Heiman, A. (2013). Consumers' willingness to purchase genetically modified products with superior benefit when the conventional alternative is risky, and its relationship to GM food. AgBioforum 16(1): 1–7.
Heiman, A. and Lowengart, O. (2014). Calorie information effects on consumers' food choices: Sources of observed gender heterogeneity. Journal of Business Research, 76(5):964–73.
Heiman, A. (2014). The effect of information on multiple attributes regarding consumers' choices of GM products. Environment and Development Economics 19(6): 769–85.'_choices_of_GM_products
Heiman, A., McWilliams, B., Just, D. R. and Zilberman, D. (2015). A prospect theory approach to assessing changes in parameters of insurance contracts with an application to money-back guarantees. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 54(C):105–117.
Ert E. , Raz O. and Heiman, A. (2016). (Poor) seeing is believing: When direct experience impairs product promotion. International Journal of Research in Marketing 33(4): 881–95.
Ert, E. and Heiman A. (2017). Potential psychological accounts for the relation between food insecurity and body overweight, Behavioral and Brain Science 40 E117.
Ghose, S. , Heiman, A. and Lowengart, O. (2017). Isolating strategy effectiveness of brands in an emerging market: A choice modeling approach. Journal of Brand Management 24(2):161–177.
Castillo, F., Gilless J.K., Heiman, A. and Zilberman, D. (2018). Time of adoption and intensity of technology transfer: An institutional analysis of offices of technology transfer in the United States, The Journal of Technology Transfer 43(1): 120–138.
Heiman, A. and Hildebrandt, L. (2018). Marketing as risk management mechanism with application in agriculture, resource and food management (invited paper). Annual Review of Resource Economics 10:253–77.
Heiman, A., Zilberman, D. and Gordon B. (2019). Food beliefs and food supply chains: The impact of religion and religiosity in Israel. Food Policy, 83: 363-369.
Heiman, A., Ferguson, J., and Zilberman, D. (2020). Marketing and Technology Adoption. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 42 (1), 21-30.
Heiman, A. and Just, D.R. (2021). Nationalism in the Produce Aisle: Using Country of Origin Labels to Stir Patriotism and Animosity. Q Open: A journal of agricultural, climate, environmental, food, resource and rural development economics 1(1), 1-18.
Reardon, Thomas, Heiman, Amir, Lu, Liang, Nuthalapati, Chandra SR, Vos, Rob, & Zilberman, David (2021). “Pivoting” by food industry firms to cope with COVID-19 in developing regions: e-commerce and “co-pivoting” delivery-intermediaries. Agricultural Economics. 2021;1–17.
Biyalogorsky, E., Heiman, A. and Muller, E. (2022). The differential effects of time and usage on the brand premiums of automobiles. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(1), 212-226.
Heiman A., Reardon T. and Zilberman D. (2022). The effects of COVID-19 on the adoption of “on-the-shelf technologies”: Virtual dressing room software and the expected rise of third-party reverse-logistics, Service Science (available online 08 March 2022).
Zilberman, D., Reardon T., Silver, J., Lu, L. and Heiman A. (2022). From the laboratory to the consumer: Innovation, supply chain, and adoption with applications to natural resources. PNAS 119(23), 1-9.
Other Publications
Graff, G., Heiman, A., Yarkin, C. and Zilberman, D. (2003). Privatization and innovation in agricultural biotechnology. ARE Update 6(3):5–7, Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, 200.
Heiman, A., Just, D. R., McWilliams, B. and Zilberman, D. (2004). Religion, religiosity, lifestyles and food consumption, Agriculture Resource Economics 8(2):9–11.
Aker, J.C., Heiman, A., McWilliams, B. and Zilberman, D.PI (2005). Marketing institutions, risk, and technology adoption. Agriculture Marketing Resource Center.
Heiman, A. and Ofir C. (2007). Perspectives on marketing of food, nutrition and biotechnology (book review). Journal or Rural Cooperation 35(1):91–4.
Heiman, A., Karo, T., Goldschmidt, E. E., Neale, R. and Bustan, A. (2002). Fruit quality perception by growers, retailers and consumers: The case of oranges. Acta Horticulture 584:177–84. Cited by 2 (Google Scholar).
Heiman, A. and Goldschmidt E. E. (2006). Alternatives and concerns: Summarizing the "Shmita" of 2006. Judea and Samaria Research Studies 19: 639–80.
Heiman, A., Lowengart, O., Zilberman, D. and Amir, M.K. (2011). Health, diet, nutritional information, and consumer choice. ARE Update 14(6):9–11. University of California, Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.
Heiman, A. and Zilberman, D. (2012). Information framing and consumer choices of genetically modified food. ARE Update 15(3):9–11. University of California, Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.
Heiman, A., Hornik, J. and Lowengart, O. (2012). The effect on sales of message strategy for risk-reduction campaigns during health crises, Journal of Service and Science Management 5(1): 77–86. DOI: 10.4236/jssm.2012.51009, .
Articles in Professional Journals
Zilberman, D. and Heiman, A. (1999). The value of economics research. Impact Assessment Discussion Papers 7, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C.
Heiman, A. (1998). What is the reason for not buying more chickens? The Poultry Industry Journal, July: 13–22. [in Hebrew]
Karo, T., Heiman, A. and Goldschmidt, E. (2000). The Shamuti orange grown in the South is not less sweet. Citrus Time, April: 14–15.
Heiman, A. (2000). "What is the reason for not buying more eggs?" The Poultry Industry Journal, September: 17–18. [in Hebrew]
Heiman, A. (2005). Branding strategy in the flower industry: Part 1. The Flower Magazine, April. [in Hebrew]
Heiman, A. (2005). Branding strategy in the flower industry: Part 2" The Flower Magazine, July. [in Hebrew]
Heiman, A., Goldschmidt, E., Dachtiger N. and Polak, E. (2007). Beliefs and religious rules meet at the green grocery, Makor Rishon (Hazofe), Economic Section, October 19: 11. [in Hebrew]
Heiman, A. (2009). Increasing the demand for aquaculture products: Alternative strategies. Fisheries and Fish Breeding in Israel 3: 1359–1363. [in Hebrew]
Heiman, A. (2016). The cancellation of customs duties on fish imports and its expected effect on the industry. Fisheries and Fish Breeding in Israel 2-3, 2033-2035. [in Hebrew]