Raw Data

Choice Prediction Competition for Decisions under Risk and Ambiguity

CPC 2015 - Supported by the Max Wertheimer Minerva Center
for Cognitive Processing and Human Performance

Organized by: Ido Erev, Eyal Ert, and Ori Plonsky

An explanation for the variables in the raw data

The data includes the following variables:

SubjID, Location, Gender, Age, set, Condition, GameID, Ha, pHa, La, Hb, pHb, Lb, Manipulation, Amb, LotShape, LotNum, Corr, Order, Trial, Button, Risk, Payoff, Forgone, RiskPay, Feedback, block 

SubjID = the subject serial no. in the lab 

Location = whether the study was conducted at the Technion (“Technion”) or at the Herbew U. of Jerusalem (“Rehovot”)

Gender = subject's gender, M for Male, F for Female 

Age = the subject's age 

Set = the set of problems the subject played. Set1 includes problems 1-30 (study1), set2 includes problems 31-60 (study2) and set3 includes problems 61-90 (study2) 

condition = ByProb refers to the condition in which subjects played by problems (25 trials in each), ByFB is the condition where subjects played the 5 trials without feedback for the 30 problems, and then played the other 20 trials for each problem 

GameID = serial number of the choice problem. See note at the bottom of this page. 

Ha = high payoff from option A 

pHa = probability of getting Ha 

La = low payoff from option A 

Hb = high payoff from option B 

pHb = probability of getting Hb 

Lb = low payoff from option B 

Manipulation = the framing of the choice problem (see section “space of problems” in the paper).“Abstract” framing is presentation of payoffs and their probabilities, “StPb” is a St. Petersburg type of presentation, and AcRj is accept/reject type of presentation. 

Amb = Ambiguity parameter. if Amb is 0 then probabilities of Option B are described, if Amb is 1 then these probabilities are not described 

LotShape = the shape of the outcome lottery distribution (Option B) in each problem. See Appendix A in the paper for details. 

LotNum = indicates the number of possible outcomes of Option B in each problem. Problems with LotNum>1 are multi outcome problems. See Appendix A in the paper for details. 

Corr = the correlation between the payoffs. Can be 0, 1, or -1 

Order = the order in which the choice problem appeared in the set 

Trial = the number of trial in which the choice was made (there are 25 trials per choice problem) 

Button = R if the subject selected the button positioned on the right side of the screen, and L if the left button was chosen 

Risk = whether the subject “took risk”, gets 0 if Option A was chosen and 1 if Option B was chosen. 

Payoff = the outcome from the chosen option in each trial 

Forgone = the outcome of the unchosen (forgone) option in each trial 

RiskPay = the outcome of the risky option (B) in each trial (regardless of choice) 

Feedback = Feedback is 0 if the trial does not include feedback information (trials 1-5), and 1 if there is feedback information (trials 6-25). 

Block = 5 blocks of 5 trials each. Block 1 is the first 5 trials with no feedback, all other blocks include feedback