Table of Contents

Yoav Kislev

Prof. Yoav Kislev

In Memoriam
Environmetal Economics and Management

Yoav Kislev
1932 - 2017

Israel agriculture, water economy, international economics, development economics, cooperation.

List of Publications

Articles and Chapters

"Trends in Cattle Raising in Israel," in Long Term Projections of Supply and Demand for Agricultural Production in Israel, ed.: Yair Mundlak, Falk Project for Economic Research in Israel, Jerusalem, 1964.

"Over Estimates of Returns to Scale in Agriculture--A Case of Synchronized Aggregation," Journal of Farm Economics, 48:967-83, Nov. 1966.

(With Amotz Amiad) "Linear and Dynamic Programming in Markov Chains," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 50:111-29, Feb. 1968.

(With Yakir Plessner) "A Programming Model for Optimal Patterns of Investment, Production, and Consumption Over Time," Israel Journal of Technology, 6:333:40, 1968.

(With Hanna Lifson) "An Economic Analysis of Drainage Projects," Proceedings of the Third Annual Israel conference on Operations Research, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York, 1971.

"The Economics of Agricultural Extension," Economic Quarterly, Hebrew: 68:342-83, 1971; English: 1:77-90, 1972.

(With Yakir Plessner) "An Applicable Linear Programming Model of Inter-Temporal Equilibrium," Metroeconomica, 25:66- 80, 1973.

(With Nira Shchori-Bachrach) "The Process of an Innovation Cycle," (a) American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 55(1):28-37, 1973. (b) also in: Issues in the Economy of Israel, eds.: N. Halevi and Y. Kopp, The Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel, Jerusalem, 1975 (English and Hebrew).

(With R. E. Evenson) "Research and Productivity in Wheat and Maize," Journal of Political Economy, 81:1309-29, 1973.

"Technological Change in Agriculture," Economic Quarterly, 78-79:402-11, 1973, (Hebrew).

"Innovations and Research in Agricultural Development," ITCC Review, 3:168-178, 1974.

(With R. E. Evenson) "Investment in Agricultural research and Extension," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 23:507-21, 1974/75.

(With R. E. Evenson) "A Stochastic Model of Applied Research," Journal of Political Economy, 84:265-281, 1976.

"A Model of Agricultural Research," in Resource Allocation and Productivity in National and International Agricultural Research, ed.: Vernon W. Ruttan, University of Minnesota Press, 1977.

(With M. Hoffman) "Research and Productivity in Wheat in Israel," Journal of Development Studies, 14:166-81, 1978.

"The Economics of Agricultural Research, Some Recent Developments," Food Policy, 2:148-56, 1977.

(With M. Meisels and S. Amir) "The Dairy Industry of Israel," in: Animal Production Systems, ed.: Barry L. Nestel, Elsevier, 1984.

"The Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments of Israel," Economic Quarterly, 96-97:37-50, 1978 (Hebrew).

"The Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments--A Graphical Note," Economic Quarterly, 99:394-98, 1978 (Hebrew).

(With Uri Rabiner) "Economic Aspects of Selection in the Dairy Herd in Israel," Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 23:128-46, 1979.

"An Analysis of the Dynamics of Technological change in Agriculture," IAAE Occasional Papers.

"Management, Risk, and Competitive Equilibrium," Proceedings of Operations Research in Agriculture and Water Resources, eds.: D. Yaron and C. Tapiero, North Holland, 1980.

"International Farm Prices and the Social Cost of Cheap Food Policies: Comment," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 63: 1981.

(With Willis Peterson) "Prices, Technology and Farm Size," Journal of Political Economy, 90:578-95, 1982.

(With Willis Peterson) "Induced Innovations and Farm Mechanization," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 63:562-65, 1981.

(with Yakir Plessner) "Inflation and the Exchange Rate: A Monetary Perspective," Economic Quarterly, 109:137-55, 1981 (Hebrew).

(With Nava Haruvi) "Cooperation in the Moshav," Journal of Comparative Economics, 8:54-73, 1984.

(With Ehud Gelb) "Farmers' Financing of Agricultural Research in Israel," Research Policy, 11:321-27, 1982.

(With Willis Peterson) "The Cotton Harvester in Retrospect: Labor Displacement or Replacement?" Journal of Economic History, 46:199-216, 1986.

(With Arie Marvid) "Mazon Lahai--An Economic Analysis," Economic Quarterly, 127:398-408, 1986 (Hebrew).

(With Nava Haruvi) "Structure and Specialization in the Family Farm in Israel," Issues in the Economy of Israel 1986, Eitan Berglas and Mordechai Fein (eds.), Israeli Economic Association, 1988 (Hebrew).

(With Arie Marvid) "The Sources of the Financial Crisis in Agriculture," Economic Quarterly, 140:66-68, 1989 (Hebrew).

(With Zvi Lerman and Pinhas Zusman) "Credit in the Moshav--Experience and Lessons," Economic Quarterly, 141:114-31, 1989 (Hebrew).

"The Structure of Israel's Citrus Industry," Economic Quarterly, August 1990, 145:175-84 (Hebrew).

"Studies in the Development of Agriculture," Y. Kislev (ed.) Technology, Cooperation, Growth, and Policy--Studies in Agricultural Economics, Magnes Press, 1990 (Hebrew).

"Pricing of Credit in the Moshav," Economic Quarterly, May 1990, 144:82-7 (Hebrew).

(With Zvi Lerman, Yoram Kroll, Gad Rosenthal, and Pinhas Zusman) "The Credit Crisis in Cooperative Agriculture--Causes and Solutions," Economic Quarterly, 143:403-31, 1990 (Hebrew).

(With Zvi Lerman and Pinhas Zusman) "Recent Experience with Cooperative Farm Credit in Israel," Economic Development and Cultural Change, July 1991, 39:773-89.

(With Eli Feinerman) "Agricultural Settlement with Joint Production Services," Agricultural Economics, 6:1-13, 1991.

"Family Farms, Cooperatives and Collectives," in Sustainable Agricultural Development: The Role of International Cooperation, Proceedings of the Twenty First International Conference of Agricultural Economists (Tokyo, August 1991), G. H. Peters and B. F. Stanton (editors), Dartmouth, 1992.

"Structure and Reform of Agriculture in Israel," in The Agricultural Transition in Eastern and Central Europe and the U.S.S.R, Avishay Braverman, Karen M. Brooks, and Csaba Csaki (editors), The World Bank, 1993.

"Experience with Collective Action and Cooperation in Agriculture in Israel," in Agricultural Cooperatives in Transition, Csaba Csaki and Yoav Kislev (editors), Westview, 1993.

(with Zvi Lerman and Pinhas Zusman) "Cooperative Credit in Israeli Agriculture," in The Economics of Rural Organization: Theory, Practice, and Policy, K. Hoff, A. Braverman and J. Stiglitz (editors), Oxford, 1993.

(With Willis Peterson) "Economies of Scale in Agriculture: A Reexamination of the Evidence," in Essays on Agricultural Policy in Honor of D. Gale Johnson, John M. Antle and Daniel A. Sumner (editors), Chicago, 1996.

"Agriculture," an article in The Hebrew Encyclopedia, Vol 6 (2), The State of Israel, Jerusalem, 1993. (Hebrew).

"The Water Economy of Israel, Principles and their Application," Institute for Advanced Political studies, Jerusalem, 1993.

(With Vardit Heber) "Protection of Local Production in Agriculture: Three Products," Economic Quarterly, 2/95:247-266, 1995 (Hebrew).

(With Israel Finkelshtain) "Economic Regulation and Political Influence," in: Contemporary Economic Issues, Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of the international Economic Association, Tunis. Volume 2: Labour, Food and Poverty, MacMillan, 1998.

(With Israel Finkelshtain, "Prices vs. Quantities: The Political Perspective," Journal of Political Economy, 105:83-100, 1995.

"Public Regulation of the Water Economy--The Economic Legacy of Ran Mosenson," The Economic Quarterly, 45(2):413-30, 1998 (Hebrew).

(With Gadi Rosenthal) "The Watershed," The Economic Quarterly, 46 (1):106-135, 1999 (Hebrew).

(With Claudio Pasquin and Ayal Kimhi) "Old Age Security and Inter-Generational Transfer of family Farms," European Review of Agricultural Economics, 26(1):19- 37,1999.

(With Zvi Lerman, Alon Kriss, and David Biton) "Agricultural Output and Prodctivity in the Former Soviet Republics," Economic Development and Cultural Change 51(4):999-1018, July 2003.

(With Or Goldfarb) "Management Rules for the Water Economy Under Uncertainty," The Economic Quarterly 4/02:602-25, 2002 (Hebrew)

"The Water Economy of Israel," in: K. David Hambright, F. Jamil Ragep, and Joseph Ginat (eds.), Water in the Middle East, Oklahome, 2006.

"Urban Water in Israel," in: Agthe, Donald E., R. Bruce Billings, and Nathan Buras (eds.), Managing Urban Water Supply, Kluwer, 2003.

(With Israel Finkelshtain) "Taxes and Subsidies in a Polluting and Politically Powerful Industry," Asian Journal of Economics, 15(3):481-92, 2004.

(With Robert E. Evenson) "The Evenson-Kislev 'Research as Search' Model and the Green Revolution," Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 79/80:613-628, 2005.

(With Or Goldfarb) "Pricing of Water and Effluent in a Sustainable Salt Regime in Israel" in: Mohammed K. Zaidi (ed)," Wastewater Reuse - Risk Assessment, Decision-Making and Enviromental Security, Springer, 2007.

(With Efrat Hadas) "Economic Aspects of Irrigation with Treated Wastewater," in: Guy J. Levy, Pinchas Fine, and Asher Bar-Tal (eds), Treated Wastewater in Agriculture, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

"Water Pricing in Israel in Theory and Practice," in: Sharon B. Megdal, Robert Varady, and Susanna Eden (eds.) Shared Borders Shared Water, CRC, 2013.

"Water in Agriculture," in: Nir Becker (ed.) Water Policy in Israel, Springer, 2013.

"Agricultural Cooperatives in Israel, Past and Present," in: Ayal Kimhi and Zvi Lerman (eds.) Agricultural Transition in Post-Soviet Europe and Central Asia after 20 Years, IAMO – Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Halle, Germany, forthcoming.



(With R. E. Evenson) Agricultural Research and Productivity, Yale University Press, 1975, xi, 206 p.

(With B. Nadel and I. Nun) An Economic Analysis of Flood Control Projects in the Hula Valley, The Center for Agricultural Economic Research, 1975, 65 p. (Hebrew).

(With Arie Marvid) A Supply Cooperative of Moshavim: Plants, Economic Functioning, and Finance, Magnes Press, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1988, 140 p. (Hebrew).

Kislev, Yoav (editor), Technology, Cooperation, Growth, and Policy--Studies in Agricultural Economics, Magnes Press, 1990, 362 p. (Hebrew).

Csaki, Csaba and Yoav Kislev (editors), Agricultural Cooperatives in Transition, Westview, 1993.

Kislev, Yoav The Water Economy of Israel, Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel, 2011 (Hebrew in print, English internet edition