Table of Contents

List of Publications

Chapters in Collections

Gogodze, J., Kan, I. and Kimhi, A. (2005), Development of individual farming in Georgia: Descriptive analysis and comparisons, p. 5-26. In: Gogodze, J. and Kimhi, A. (eds), Privatization, Liberalization, and the Emergence of Private Farms in Georgia and Other Former Soviet Countries. Color, Tibilisi, Georgia.

Kan, I. and Kimhi, A. (2005), Land reform, cropland allocation decisions, and crop yields in Georgia, p. 27-57. In: Gogodze, J. and Kimhi, A. (eds), Privatization, Liberalization, and the Emergence of Private Farms in Georgia and Other Former Soviet Countries. Color, Tibilisi, Georgia.

Letey, J., Cardon, G.E. and Kan, I. (2007), Irrigation efficiency and uniformity, p. 119-132. In: Lascano, R.J. and Sojka, R.E. (eds), Irrigation of Agricultural Crops, 2nd ed. Agronomy monograph no. 30. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Publishers, Madison, WI, USA.

Kan, I., Haim, D., Rapaport-Rom, M. and Shechter, M. Rural landscape and optimal agricultural land use, p. 165-186. In: van der Heide, M. and Heijman, W. (eds), The Economic Value of Landscape. Routledge, New York, USA..

Kan, I. and Zeitouni, N. Impacts of changes in regional rainfall distribution patterns on winter agriculture in Israel, p. 193-208. In Becker, N. (ed.), Water Policy in Israel: Context, Issues and Options. Context, Issues and Options. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London.

Kan, I., and Kislev, Y., (2015) Corporatization and Price Setting in the Urban Water Sector Under Statewide Central Administration: The Israeli Experience. In Lago, M., Mysiak, J., Gómez, C.M., Delacámara, G., Maziotis, A. (Eds.) Use of Economic Instruments in Water Policy. Springer. Switzerland.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Banin, A., Han, F.X., Kan, I. and Cicelsky, A. (1997). Acidic volatiles and the Mars soil. J. Geophys. Res. 102(E6): 13,341-13,356.

Carlton, C.A., Albert, F.G., Combie, J., Banin, A., Yablekovitch, Y., Kan, I., Bondar, R.J., Hamilton, V.E., Jolliff, B.L., Kuebler, K., Wang, A., Lindstrom, D.J., Morris, P.A., V. Morris, R., Murray, R.W., Nyquist, L.E., Simpson, P.D., Steele A. and Symes, S.J. (1999). Effects of sterilizing doses of Gamma radiation on Mars analog rocks and minerals, J. Geophys. Res. 104(E11): 27,043-27,066.

Kan, I., Schwabe, K.A. and Knapp, K.C. (2002). Microeconomics of irrigation with saline water. J. Agr. Resour. Econ27(1): 16-39.

Kan, I. (2003). Effects of drainage-salinity evolution on irrigation management. Water Resour. Res. 39(12): 1377-1388.

Feinerman, E., Finkelshtain, I. and Kan, I. (2004). On a political solution to the NIMBY conflict. Am. Econ. Rev. 94(1): 369-381.

Schwabe, K.A., Kan, I. and Knapp, K.C. (2006). Drainwater Management for Salinity Mitigation in Irrigated Agriculture. Am. J. Agr. Econ. 88(1): 133-149.

Kan, I., Kimhi, A. and Lerman, Z. (2006). Farm Output, Non-Farm Income, and Commercialization in Rural Georgia. Elect. J. Agr. Dev. Econ. 3(2): 276-286.

Gogodze, J., Kan, I. and Kimhi, A. (2008). Land Reform and Rural Well Being in Georgia: 1996-2003. Projections 7: 26-41.

Kan, I. (2008). Yield Quality and Irrigation with Saline Water under Environmental Limitations: The Case of Processing Tomatoes in California. Agr. Econ. 38: 57-66.

Kan, I., Haim, D., Rapaport-Rom, M. and Shechter, M. (2009). Environmental amenities and optimal agricultural land use: The case of Israel. Ecol. Econ. 68(6):1893-1898.

Kan, I., Leizarowitz, A. and Tsur, Y. 2010. Dynamic-spatial management of coastal aquifers. Optim. Contr. Appl. Met. 31: 29-41.

Kan, I., Ayalon, O. and Federman, R. (2010). On the efficiency of composting organic wastes. Agr. Econ. 41: 151-163.

Koch, J., Onigkeit, J., Schaldach, R., Alcamo, J., Köchy, M., Wolff, H.P. and Kan, I. (2011). Land-Use Change Scenarios for the Jordan River Region. Int. J. of Sustainable Water and Environmental Systems. 3(1):25-31.

Palatnik, R.R., Eboli, F., Ghermandi, A., Kan, I., Rapaport-Rom, M. and Shechter, M. 2012. Integration of general and partial equilibrium agricultural land-use transformation for the analysis of climate-change in the Mediterranean. J. Climate Change Econ. 2(4):275-299.

Broitman, D., Ayalon, O. and Kan, I. One size fits all? An assessment tool for solid waste management at local and national levels. Waste Manage 32:1979-1988.

Kan, I. and Rapaport-Rom, M. Regional blending of fresh and saline water: Is it efficient?Water Resour. Res 48. W07517, doi:10.1029/2011WR011285.

Kaminski, J., Kan, I. and Fleischer, A. A structural land-use analysis of agricultural adaptation to climate change: A proactive approach. Am. J. Agr. Econ.95(1):70-93.

Kan, I., Motro, Y., Horvitz, N., Kimhi, A., Leshem, Y., Yom-Tov, Y., and Nathan, R. (2014). Agricultural Rodent Control Using Barn Owls: Is it Profitable? Am. J. Agr. Econ. 96 (3):733-752.

Baum, Z., Palatnik, R., Kan, I. and Rapaport-Rom, M. (2016). Economic Impacts of Water Scarcity under Diverse Water Salinities. Water Econ. Policy. 2(1): 1550013.

Kan, I. (2016) Editorial—Special Issue on Economics of Salinity Impacts and Management. Water Econ. Policy. 2(1): 1602001.

Reznik, A., Feinerman, E., Finkelshtain, I., Kan, I., Fisher, F., Huber-Lee, A. and Joyce, B. (2016). The Cost of Covering Costs: A Nationwide Model for Water Pricing.Water Econ. Policy. 2(1): 1550013.

Reznik, A., Feinerman, E., Finkelshtain, I., Fisher, F., Huber-Lee, A., Joyce, B. and Kan, I. (2017). Economic Implications of Agricultural Reuse of Treated Wastewater in Israel: A Statewide Long-term Perspective. Ecol. Econ. 135: 222–233.

Raviv, O., Broitman, D., Ayalon, O. and Kan, I. (2017). A Regional Optimization Model for Waste-to-Energy Generation using Agricultural Vegetative Residuals. Waste Management 73: 546-555.

Broitman, D., Raviv, O., Ayalon, O. and Kan, I. (2018). Designing an Agricultural Vegetative Waste-Management System under Uncertain Prices of Treatment-Technology Output Products. Waste Management 75: 37–43.

Galkin, E., Dalal, A., Evenko, A., Fridman, E., Kan, I., Wallach, R. and Moshelion, M. (2018). Risk-management Strategies and Transpiration Rates of Wild Barley in Uncertain Environments. Physiologia Plantarum 164(4): 412-428.

Zelingher, R., Ghermandi, A., De Cian, E., Mistry, M. and Kan I. (2019). Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Vegetative Agriculture Markets in Israel. Environmental and Resource Economics 74(2): 679-696.

Finkelshtain, I., Kan, I. and Rapaport-Rom, M. (2020). Substitutability of Freshwater and Non-freshwater Sources in Irrigation: An Econometric Analysis. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102(4): 1105-1134.

Slater, Y., Reznik, A., Finkelshtain, I. and Kan, I. (2020). Large-Scale Desalination and the External Impact on Irrigation-Water Salinity: Economic Analysis for the Case of Israel. Water Resources Research 56(9), e2019WR025657.

Bar-Nachum, Z., Reznik, A., Finkelshtain, I. and Kan, I. Centralized water management under lobbying: Economic analysis of desalination in Israel. Ecological Economics (Accepted).


Other Publications and Reports

Environmental Management & Consulting LTD (EMC) (1996). Externalities and direct costs of waste disposal methods. A Report for the Israeli Ministries of Finance, Environment, National Infrastructure and Internal Affairs (in Hebrew, Editor of the report).

Kan, I. (1999). Economic aspects. In: Evra, Y. and Dov, M. (eds), ISO 14000: A Guidebook for the Factory. Environmental Management & Consulting LTD (EMC), Manufacturers Association of Israel and the Ministry of the Environment (in Hebrew).

Schwabe, K.A., Knapp, K.C. and Kan, I. (2001). The economics of integrated drain water management in the Central Valley. In: Salinity and Drainage Annual Report 2000-2001. UC Center for Water Resources, Riverside, CA, USA, pp. 97-104.

Ayalon, O. and Kan, I. (2001). The influence of solid waste treatment on land utilization. Karka 51:130-153 (in Hebrew).

Letey, J., Birkle, D., Jury, W.A and Kan, I. (2003). Model describes sustainable long-term recycling of saline agricultural drainage water. California Agriculture 57(1):24-27.

Kan, I. and Finkelshtain, I. (2004). Connections between political economics and environmental justice. Studies in Natural Resources and Environmental Management 2(1):71-82 (in Hebrew).

Federman, R., Kan, I. and Ayalon, O. (2007). Recycling of organic solid waste in Israel—environmental and economic aspects. Studies in Natural Resources and Environmental Management 5:37-52 (in Hebrew).

Kan, I., Rapaport-Rom, M. and Shechter, M. (Oct 2007). Assessing climate change impacts on water, land-use and economic return in agriculture. Available at SSRN: