Table of Contents

Curriculum Vitae



1991-1993    in Soil and Water Sciences, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, The Faculty of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.

1994-1996    in Agricultural Economics, Department of Environmental Economics and Management, The Faculty of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.

1997-2002    in Agricultural Economics, Department of Environmental Economics and Management, The Faculty of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.

Post Doctoral Research Fellow
2002-2003    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel.

Service in Academic and Research Institutions

  • September 2000 - August 2002 University of California Riverside, The Department of Environmental Sciences, Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist (visiting).
  • October 2003 - September 2007    University of Haifa, The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Lecturer.
  • October 2007-September 2012: Lecturer, The Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Rehovot.
  • October 2013-September 2019: Senior Lecturer, The Department of Environmental Economics and Management, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Rehovot.
  • October 2019-Present: Associate Professor, The Department of Environmental Economics and Management, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Rehovot. 

Other Scientific and Professional Activities

  • 1995-1998    Economic Consultant, Environmental Management & Consulting LTD (EMC), Karmei-Yosef, Israel.
  • 2002-2003    Professional Administrator and Economic Consultant to The Professional Committee for the Issue of Agriculture Water Pricing (known as the "Feinerman Committee"), The Prime-Minister’s Office, Israel.
  • 2006    Member of the scientific research committee of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the area of agricultural economics for 2006-7.

Awards and Scholarships

  • 1998    The Bonna-Terra Grant, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 1998    Ya’akov Gal Scholarship, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 1999    Zorek and Udi Lev Scholarship.
  • 2003    Kan, I., Schwabe, K.A. and Knapp, K.C. “Microeconomics of Irrigation with Saline Water,” – outstanding journal article of the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics for 2002.
  • 2007-8    The Golda Meir Fellowship, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Research Grants

  • 2005: The Ministry of the Environment, Israel. Organic Waste Recycling in Israel—Economic and Environmental Aspects. Iddo Kan (PI) and Ofira Ayalon (PI), NIS32,000/65,000.

  • 2006: The Ministry of the Environment, Israel. Economic Evaluation of Climate-Change Effects on Agricultural Land Use in Israel. Iddo Kan (PI) and Mordechai Shechter (PI), NIS32,500/65,000 for 1 year.

  • 2007-2010: European Commission FP6, 6.3. Global Change and Ecosystems, Climate Change and Impact Research: the Mediterranean Environment (CIRCE). Mordechai Shechter (PI) and Iddo Kan (C), €97,500/195,000.

  • 2007-2010: USAID, MERC. Agricultural Rodent Pest Control by Avian Predators: an Ecologically Sustainable Approach. Yossi Leshem (PI), Iddo Kan (C) and other 5 researchers, $72,000/1,242,000 for 3 years.

  • 2008-2009: The Ministry of Environmental Protection, Israel. Life-Cycle Analysis of Solid Waste Treatment in Israel. Ofira Ayalon (PI) and Iddo Kan (PI), NIS264,000/528,000.

  • 2008: The Centre for Agricultural Economic Research, Israel. Economic Evaluation of Mosquito Damage. Iddo Kan (PI) and Ziv Bar-Shira (PI), NIS11,000/22,000.

  • 2008: The Governmental Authority for Water and Sewage, Israel. Estimating Agricultural Demands for Water Types. Iddo Kan (PI) and Mordechai Shechter (PI), NIS37,500/70,000.

  • 2008: The Centre for Agricultural Economic Research, Israel. Economic Assessment of Climate-Change Impacts on Agriculture. Iddo Kan (PI), NIS22,000.

  • 2009: The Centre for Agricultural Economic Research, Israel. Estimation of the Political Power of Agricultural Water Suppliers and Consumers in Israel by a Dynamic Analysis of the Timing and Capacity of Desalination Plant Construction. Iddo Kan (PI), NIS26,000.

  • 2010: The Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel Ltd. Taxes and Quotas under Political Lobbying: A Structural Empirical Assessment. Israel Finkelshtain (PI) and Iddo Kan (PI), NIS93,000.

  • 2010: The Centre for Agricultural Economic Research, Israel. Regional-Scale Irrigation Management: The Dilemma of Blending Fresh and Saline Waters. Iddo Kan (PI), NIS25,000.

  • 2010-2012: The Governmental Authority for Water and Sewage, Israel. Estimating Climate-Change Impacts on Operation and Design of the Water Economy in Relation to Vegetative Agriculture and Economics in Israel. Iddo Kan (PI) and Dafna Disegni (C), NIS175,000/350,000.

  • 2011: The Centre for Agricultural Economic Research, Israel. Economic Analysis of Rodent Control by Barn Owls. NIS30,000 for 1 year.

  • 2012-2013: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Estimation of Integrated Demand for Freshwater, Brackish Water and Treated Wastewater in the Farm Level. Iddo Kan (PI) and Israel Finkelshtain (PI), NIS154,000/308,000.

  • 2011-2013: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Cotton Council. Multidiscipline Approach for Increasing Cotton Profitability. Yahushua Saranga (PI), Iddo Kan (C) and other 7 researchers, NIS150,000/2,700,000.

  • 2012-2014: The Research Center for Agriculture, Environmental Quality and Natural Resources. Water Management by Plants under Uncertain Availability. Iddo Kan (PI) and Menachem Moshelion (PI), $48,000/96,000.

  • 2012-2014: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Modeling Agriculture in Europe (Including Israel) for Food Security in Light of Climate Change (MACSUR). Mordechai Shechter (PI), Iddo Kan (C) and other 2 researchers, NIS173,451/999,000.

  • 2012-2014: JNF. Developing MYWAS for Israel. Iddo Kan (PI), Eli Feinerman (PI) and Israel Finkelshtain, (PI), $66,666/200,000.

  • 2013-2015: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. A Structural Land-Use Analysis of Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: A Proactive Approach. Iddo Kan (PI) and Aliza Fleischer (PI), NIS178,000/356,000.

  • 2013: The Centre for Agricultural Economic Research, Israel. Structural Analysis of Climate-Change Impact on Agriculture under Partial Equilibrium. Iddo Kan (PI), NIS33,000.

  • 2014: The Centre for Agricultural Economic Research, Israel. Estimation of Combined Demand for Freshwater, Wastewater and Brackish Water at the Community Level and Simulation of Water Policy at the National Level. Iddo Kan (PI) NIS25,000.

  • 2014-2017: Water Authority, Israel. Estimation of Combined Demand for Freshwater, Wastewater and Brackish Water at the Community Level and Simulation of Water Policy at the National Level. Iddo Kan (PI) and Israel Finkelshtain (PI). NIS137,800/275600.

  • 2014-2017: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Economic and Social Trends in the Rural Sector in a Water-Shortage Period. Iddo Kan (PI) and Israel Finkelshtain (PI). NIS127,650/255,000.

  • 2015: The Centre for Agricultural Economic Research, Israel. Economic Impacts of Water Deficit in a Water Economy with Access to Different Water Sources. Iddo Kan (PI). NIS20,000.

  • 2015-2018: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Economic Analysis of Biochar Agricultural Application in Arid Regions: Israel and West China case studies. Iddo Kan (PI), Lee Xinqing (PI) and Ran Holtzman (C), NIS213,000/435,000.

  • 2015-2017: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Treatment and Reuse of Vegetative Agriculture Organic Wastes – Economic Analysis of Integrative Technologies. Iddo Kan (PI), Ofira Ayalon (PI), Zalman Henkin (C) and Pinchas Fine (C). NIS278,300/688900.

  • 2015-2017: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Concentration, Marketing Margins, and Regulation in the Food Sector. Israel Finkelshtain (PI) and Iddo Kan (PI). NIS100,000/200,000.

  • 2015-2017: NIFA-BARD (BARD NB-8307-14). Enhanced Resilience of Local Agricultural Water Supplies Through the Reuse of Municipal and Agricultural Wastewater: A Dynamic Economic Analysis. Iddo Kan (PI), Benny Chefetz (PI), Kurt Schwabe (PI) and David Jassby (C). $72,500/145,000.

  • 2016-2017: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Integrated Assessment of Policies in the Agricultural Sector and the Water Economy. Israel Finkelshtain (PI) and Iddo Kan (PI). NIS120,000/242,000.

  • 2016-2021: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Leveraging Modern Agriculture Through the Root Zone. Shimon Rachmilevitch (PI), Iddo Kan (C) and other 24 researchers. NIS375,000/15,000,000.

  • 2017: The Centre for Agricultural Economic Research, Israel. Import of Vegetables Free of Import Taxes. Iddo Kan (PI). NIS12,000.

  • 2018-2019: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Changes in the Israeli Agricultural Tariff Policy - Development of an Empirical-Economic Analytical Framework and its Application to the Olive-oil Branch. Iddo Kan (PI) and Israel Finkelshtain (PI). NIS100,000/200,000.

  • 2019-2021: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Long-Run Economic Optimization of Agricultural Water Supply under Treated-Wastewater Quality Standards. Iddo Kan (PI) and Israel Finkelshtain (PI). NIS82,600/165,200.

  • 2019-2020: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Risk Management in Israeli Agriculture. Israel Finkelshtain (PI) and Iddo Kan (PI). NIS80,000/160,000.

  • 2020-2021: Nutricia Research Foundation. Does Health Information Make a Difference? How did the WHO Announcement that Classifies Processed Meat as Carcinogenic Affected Consumption. Israel Finkelshtain (PI), Iddo Kan (PI) and Berthabetty Schwartz (PI). €17,000/50,000.

  • 2020: The Ministry of Energy. Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus in Israel. Iddo Kan (PI), Israel Finkelshtain (PI) and Ohad Rave (PI). NIS167,000/730,000.

  • 2021-2023: The Ministry of Energy. Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus in Israel. Iddo Kan (PI) and Israel Finkelshtain (PI). NIS168,000/750,000.

  • 2021-2024: Joint German-Israeli Water Technology Research Program. Developing an economic simulation-modelling framework as a decision-support tool for policymakers in the water sector. Iddo Kan (PI) and Israel Finkelshtain (PI). €115,000/230,000.

  • 2021-2022: The Center for Agricultural Economic Research. Economic Analysis of Agro-Water Policies in Israel. Iddo Kan (PI). NIS50,000.

  • 2021-2022: The Center for Agricultural Economic Research. Institutional allocation of factors of production in Israeli agriculture and its impact on economic efficiency as a function of climatic conditions and organizational structure. Iddo Kan (PI). NIS30,000.


  • 1996-2000, 2002-2017: 71148, Introduction to Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, M.Sc. program.

  • 2004-2007: 71141, Environmental Economics Modeling, M.Sc. program.

  • 2008-present: 71702, Economics of Natural Resources, B.Sc. program.

  • 2008, 2018, 2020-2021: 71996, Research Seminar B in Environmental Economics and management, M.Sc. program.

  • 2009, 2012, 2015, 2021: 71721, The Economics of Israeli Agriculture, B.Sc. program.

  • 2011-2012, 2015-2017, 2020-2021: 71108, Seminar (non thesis), M.Sc. program.

  • 2012, 2015-2017, 2020-2021: 71196, Research Seminar A in Environmental Economics and management, M.Sc. program.

  • 2015-present: 71734, Agricultural Planning, B.Sc. program.

  • 2016-present: 71124, Advanced Environmental Economics, M.Sc. program.