List of Publications



Private Agriculture in Armenia (with A. Mirzakhanian), Lexington Books, Lanham, MD (2001).

Agrarian Reform in Turkmenistan (with I. Stanchin), Center for Agricultural Economic Research, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel (2003) [in Russian]

Agriculture in Transition: Land Policies and Evolving Farm Structures in Post-Soviet Countries (with C. Csaki and G. Feder), Lexington Books, Lanham MD (2004)

Factor Market Constraints on Economic Growth in Russian Agriculture, special issue of Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 47, No. 1 (March 2005) – A BASIS Russia Project Publication, dedicated posthumously to the memory of Bruce Gardner, who died prematurely in March 2008

Rethinking Agricultural Reform in Ukraine (with D. Sedik, N. Pugachov, and A. Goncharuk), Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 38, IAMO – Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Halle, Germany (2007)

Russia’s Agriculture in Transition: Factor Markets and Constraints on Growth (edited volume), Lexington Books, Lanham, MD (2008) – A BASIS Russia Project Publication, dedicated posthumously to the memory of Bruce Gardner, who died prematurely in March 2008

Livestock Production in Uzbekistan: Current State, Challenges and Prospects (with Y. Yusupov, A. Chertovitskiy, and O. M. Akbarov), Nasaf Publishing House, Tashkent (2010).

Rural Transition in Azerbaijan (with D. Sedik), Lexington Books, Lanham, MD (2010).

China Small and Medium Towns Overview (with a team of Chinese collaborators), The World Bank Beijing Office, Washington, DC (April 2012).

Turkmenistan: Agricultural Sector Review (with various collaborators), FAO Investment Centre Country Highlights, Report No. 7, EBRD and FAO, Rome (November 2012).

Agricultural Transition in Post-Soviet Europe and Central Asia after 25 Years (co-edited with Ayal Kimhi), Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Transition Economies, Vol. 79, IAMO – Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Halle, Germany (2015).


World Bank Discussion Papers/Technical Papers Series

World Bank Discussion Papers/Technical Papers Series

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Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Russia (with K. Brooks), World Bank Discussion Paper 233, The World Bank, Washington, DC (1994), 104 pp.

Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Ukraine (with K. Brooks and C. Csaki), World Bank Discussion Paper 270, The World Bank, Washington, DC (1994), 124 pp

Agricultural Reform in Russia: A View from the Farm Level (with K. Brooks, E. Krylatykh, A. Petrikov, and V. Uzun), World Bank Discussion Paper 327, The World Bank, Washington, DC (1996), 98 pp.

Land Reform in Ukraine: The First Five Years (with C. Csaki), The World Bank, World Bank Discussion Paper 371, Washington, DC (1997), 120 pp.

Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Moldova: Progress and Prospects (with C. Csaki and V. Moroz), World Bank Discussion Paper 398, The World Bank, Washington, DC (1998), 120 pp.

Ukraine: Overview of Farm Restructuring Experience (with C. Csaki), World Bank Technical Paper 459, The World Bank, Washington, DC (2000), 75 pp.

Structural Change in the Farming Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe, (co-edited with C. Csaki), World Bank Technical Paper 465, The World Bank, Washington, DC (2000), 270 pp.

Farm Sector Restructuring in Belarus: Progress and Constraints (with C. Csaki and S. Sotnikov), World Bank Technical Paper 475, The World Bank Washington, D.C. (2000), 140 pp.

Farm Debt in CIS: A Cross-Country Analysis (with C. Csaki and S. Sotnikov), World Bank Discussion Paper 424, The World Bank, Washington, DC (2001), 140 pp.

Turkmenistan: An Assessment of Leasehold-Based Farm Restructuring, (with K. Brooks), World Bank Technical Paper 500, The World Bank, Washington, DC (2001).

The Challenge of Rural Development in the EU Accession Countries, (co-edited with C. Csaki), World Bank Technical Paper 504, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. (2001), 235 pp.

Food and Agriculture in the Slovak Republic: The Challenges of EU Accession (with  C. Csaki, A. Nucifora, and T. Herzfeld), Agriculture & Rural Development Working Paper 4, The World Bank, Washington, DC (2003), 176 pp.


World Bank Agriculture Policy Notes

World Bank Agriculture Policy Notes (download pdf files)

  • Land Reform and Private Farms in Georgia: 1996 Status , EC4NR Agriculture Policy Note No. 6, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. (October 1996), 36 pp.(PDF).
  • Land Reform and Private Farms in Armenia: 1996 Status , EC4NR Agriculture Policy Note No. 8, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. (November 1996), 40 pp. (PDF).
  • Hungarian Land Reform and Farm Restructuring , EC2AU Agriculture Policy Note, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. (January 1997), 40 pp.(PDF).
  • Land Reform and Private Farming in Moldova , EC4NR Agriculture Policy Note No. 9, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. (January 1997). (PDF)

FAO/REU Policy Studies on Rural Transition: Europe and Central Asia Region

FAO/REU Policy Studies on Rural Transition: Europe and Central Asia Region

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The Economic Effects of Land Reform in Tajikistan, Zvi Lerman and David Sedik, Policy Study No. 2008-1 (October 2008).

Farm Debt in Transition: The Problem and Possible Solutions, Zvi Lerman, Policy Study No. 2008-2 (December 2008).

Agrarian Reform in Kyrgyzstan: Achievements and the Unfinished Agenda,  Zvi Lerman and David Sedik, Policy Study No. 2009-1 (September 2009).

Sources of Agricultural Productivity Growth in Central Asia: The Case of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan,  Zvi Lerman and David Sedik, Policy Study No. 2009-5 (September 2009).

Agricultural Recovery and Individual Land Tenure: Lessons from Central Asia,  Zvi Lerman and David Sedik, Policy Study No. 2009-3 (October 2009).

Potential for Rural Income Growth through Crop Diversification in Turkmenistan, Ivan Stanchin, Zvi Lerman, and David Sedik, Policy Study No. 2011-1 (March 2011) [in Russian].

Cooperative Development in Central Asia, Zvi Lerman, Policy Study No. 2013-4 (2013).

Cooperatives in the CIS and Georgia: Overview of Legislation, Zvi Lerman and David Sedik, Policy Study No. 2014-2 (March 2014).

Agricultural Cooperatives in Eurasia, Zvi Lerman and David Sedik, Policy Study No. 2014-3 (March 2014).

Attitudes toward the Lifting of the Moratorium on Land Sales and the Development of Land Markets in Ukraine, Zvi Lerman, Policy Study No. 2014-5 (March 2014).

Wheat production and Regional Food Security in CIS: The Case of Belarus, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, Zvi Lerman, David Sedik, Yuliy Yusupov, Ivan Stanchin, and Irina Kazakevich, Policy Study No. 2016-1 (April 2016).


Chapters in Books


C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, "Land Reform and the Future Role of Cooperatives in Agriculture in the Former Socialist Countries in Europe," in: C. Csaki and Y. Kislev, eds., Agricultural Cooperatives in Transition, Westview Press, Boulder, CO (1993), pp. 3-19.

K. Brooks and Z. Lerman, "Restructuring of Socialized Farms and New Land Relations in Russia," in: D. Umali-Deininger and C. Maguire, eds., Agriculture in Liberalizing Economies: Changing Roles for Governments, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. (1995), pp. 145-172.

Z. Lerman, "Changing Land Relations and Farming Structures in Formerly Socialist Countries," in: G. Wunderlich, ed., Agricultural Landownership in Transitional Economies, University Press of America, Lanham, MD (1995), pp. 54-81.

Z. Lerman, "Agriculture in Transition: Land Reform in Former Socialist Countries," in: Yair Mundlak, ed., Contemporary Economic Issues, vol. 2, Gender, Poverty and Food, Macmillan, London (1998), pp. 193-209.

Z. Lerman, "Experience with land reform and farm restructuring in the Former Soviet Union," in: J. Swinnen, A. Buckwell, and E. Mathijs eds., Agricultural Privatisation, Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe, Chapter 9, Ashgate, Aldershot, UK (1997), pp. 311-332.

Z. Lerman and K. Brooks, "Land Reform in Turkmenistan," in: Wegren, S. (Ed.), Land Reform in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe , Routledge, London-New York (1998), pp. 162-185.

Z. Lerman, "Land Reform in Uzbekistan," in: Wegren, S. (Ed.), Land Reform in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Routledge, London-New York (1998), pp. 136-161.

C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, "Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Hungary in the 1990s," in: Wegren, S. (Ed.), Land Reform in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Routledge, London-New York (1998), pp. 224-261.

Z. Lerman, "From Commonality to Divergence: How ECE and CIS Agricultures are Drifting Apart," in: P. Tillack and E Schulze, eds., Land Ownership, Land Markets and Their Influence on the Efficiency of Agricultural Production in Central and Eastern Europe, IAMO Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Halle and Vauk, Kiel (2000), pp. 56-69.

Z. Lerman, "Status of Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in CEE: A Regional Overview," in: C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, eds., Structural Change in the Farming Sectors of Central and Eastern Europe, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. (2000), pp. 3-21. C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, "Farm Debt in the CIS: Multi-Country Study of Major Causes and Proposed Solutions," Agricultural Finance and Credit Infrastructure in Transition Economies: Focus on the South East Europe Region, OECD, Paris (2001), pp. 87-104.

Z. Lerman, "The Impact of Land Reform on the Rural Population in Russia," in: D. OBrien and S. Wegren, eds., Adaptation and Change in Rural Russia , Woodrow Wilson Press and Johns Hopkins University Press, Washington, DC (2002).

Z. Lerman, "A Decade of Transition in Europe and Central Asia: Design and Impact of Land Reform," in: Max Spoor, ed., Transition, Institutions, and the Rural Sector, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD (2003), pp. 5-25.

Z. Lerman, “Institutions and Technologies for Subsistence Agriculture: How to Increase Commercialization,” in: S. Abele and K. Frohberg, eds., Subsistence Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe: How to Break the Vicious Circle?, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 22, IAMO, Halle (2003).

Z. Lerman, "Successful Land Individualization in Trans-Caucasia: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia," in: D. Macey, W. Pyle, and S. Wegren, eds., Building Market Institutions in Post-Communist Agriculture: Land, Credit, and Assistance, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD (2004), pp. 53-75.

Z. Lerman and N. Shagaida, "Land Reform and Development of Agricultural Land Markets in Russia," in: S. Brosig and H. Hockmann, eds., How Effective is the Invisible Hand? Agricultural and Food Markets in Central and Eastern Europe, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 31, IAMO - Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Halle (2005), pp. 269-302.

Z. Lerman and I. Stanchin, "Agrarian Reform in Turkmenistan," in: S. Babu and S. Djalalov, eds., Policy Reforms and Agriculture Development in Central Asia, Springer, New York(2006), pp. 221-236.

Z. Lerman and D. Cimpoies, "Duality of Farm Structure in Transition Agriculture: The Case of Moldova," in: J. Curtiss, A. Balmann, K. Dautzenberg, and K. Happe, Agriculture in the Face of Changing Markets, Institutions and Policies, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 33, IAMO Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Easter Europe, Halle (2006), pp. 105-119.

Z. Lerman, Perspectives on Future Research in Central and Eastern European Transition Agriculture. in: V. Beckmann and K. Hagedorn, eds., Understanding Agricultural Transition: Institutional Change and Economic Performance in a Comparative Perspective, Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 26, Shaker Verlag, Aachen (2007), pp. 473-489.

N. Shagaida and Z. Lerman, “Land Reform and Development of Land Markets,” in: Z. Lerman, ed., Russia’s Agriculture in Transition: Factor Markets and Constraints on Growth, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD (2008), pp. 137-184.

M. Grazhdaninova and Z. Lerman, “Allocative Efficiency of Corporate Farms: Evidence from the 2003 BASIS Survey,” in: Z. Lerman, ed., Russia’s Agriculture in Transition: Factor Markets and Constraints on Growth, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD (2008), pp. 327-334.

G. Brock, M. Grazhdaninova, Z. Lerman, and V. Uzun, “Technical Efficiency in Russian Agriculture,” in: Z. Lerman, ed., Russia’s Agriculture in Transition: Factor Markets and Constraints on Growth, Lexington Books, Lanham, MD (2008), pp. 335-372.

D. Cimpoies and Z. Lerman, “Land Policy and Farm Efficiency: The Lessons of Moldova,” in: C. Csaki and C. Forgacs, Agricultural Economics and Transition: What We Expected, What We Observed, The Lessons Learned, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 44, IAMO – Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Halle (2008).

D. Zvyagintsev, O. Shick, E. Serova, and Z. Lerman, “Diversification of Rural Incomes and Non-Farm Rural Employment: Evidence from Russia,” in: C. Csaki and C. Forgacs, Agricultural Economics and Transition: What We Expected, What We Observed, The Lessons Learned, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 44, IAMO – Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Easter Europe, Halle (2008), pp. 133-143.

Z. Lerman, “Agricultural Recovery in CIS: Lessons of 15 Years of Land Reform and Farm Restructuring,” in: C. Csaki and C. Forgacs, Agricultural Economics and Transition: What We Expected, What We Observed, The Lessons Learned, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 44, IAMO – Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Halle (2008), pp. 205-222.

Z. Lerman, “The Impact of Land Reform on Rural Household Incomes in Transcaucasia and Central Asia,” Chapter 9 in A. Kimhi and I. Finkelshtain, eds., The Economics of Natural and Human Resources in Agriculture, Nova Publishers, Hauppauge, NY (2009).

I. Stanchin and Z. Lerman, “Water in Turkmenistan,” in: M. Arsel and M. Spoor, eds., Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Development: Conflict and Cooperation in Central Eurasia, Routledge, London (2010), pp. 250-266.

Z. Lerman, “Agricultural Recovery and Individual Land Tenure: Evidence from Central Asia,” in: I. Ferto, C. Forgacs, and A. Jambor, eds., Changing Landscape of European Agriculture: Essays in Honour of Professor Csaba Csaki, Agroinform, Budapest (2010), pp. 95-113.

Z. Lerman, “Rural Livelihoods in Tajikistan: What Factors and Policies Influence the Income and Well-Being of Rural Families,” in: V. Squire, ed., Rangeland Stewardship in Central Asia: Balancing Improved Livelihoods, Biodiversity Conservation and Land Protection, Springer, Dordrecht (2012), pp. 165-187.

Z. Lerman and D. Sedik, “Russian Agriculture in Transition,” in: M. Alexeev and Sh. Weber, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the Russian Economy, Oxford University Press, New York (2013), pp. 514-543. [Russian translation in EkonomikaRossii. Oksfordskii sbornik, Ch. 22, pp. 888-932, Gaidar Institute, Moscow (2015).]

D. Sedik and Z. Lerman, “Agricultural Cooperative Development in Kazakhstan and Ukraine,” in: A. Schmitz and W. H. Meyers, eds., Transition to Agricultural Market Economies: The Future of Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine, CABI International, Boston (2015), pp. 81-91.

Z. Lerman, “Tajikistan’s Vulnerability to Climate Change: An Agricultural Policy Approach,” in: A. Kimhi and Z. Lerman, eds., Agricultural Transition in Post-Soviet Europe and Central Asia after 25 Years, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Transition Economies, Vol. 79, IAMO – Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Halle, Germany (2015), pp. 155-168.

D. Sedik, Z. Lerman, and V. Uzun, “Russian WTO Accession: Implications for Agricultural Support Measures,” in: A. Kimhi and Z. Lerman, eds., Agricultural Transition in Post-Soviet Europe and Central Asia after 25 Years, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Transition Economies, Vol. 79, IAMO – Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Halle, Germany (2015), pp. 211-240.


Journal Articles on Agricultural Transition and Cooperatives

Journal Articles on Agricultural Transition and Cooperatives


C. Parliament, Z. Lerman, and J. Fulton, “Performance of Cooperatives and Investor Owned Firms in the Dairy Industry,” Journal of Agricultural Cooperation, Vol. 5, pp. 1-16 (1990).

Z. Lerman and C. Parliament, “Comparative Performance of Food-Processing Cooperatives and Investor-Owned Firms,” Agribusiness, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 527-540 (1990).

Y. Kislev, Z. Lerman, and P. Zusman, “Recent Experience with Cooperative Farm Credit in Israel,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 773-789 (July 1991).

Z. Lerman and C. Parliament, “Size and Industry Effects in the Performance of Agricultural Cooperatives,” Agricultural Economics, Vol. 6, pp. 15-29 (1991).

Z. Lerman and C. Parliament, “Estimating the Accounting Profitability of Pooling Cooperatives,” Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 9, pp. 3-11 (1991).

Z. Lerman, K. V. Mozhin, N. N. Sapova, and E. V. Tankhilevich, “The Personal Auxiliary Holding in Russia: A Prototype Farm?” Studies on Soviet Economic Development, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 212-217 (1992).

C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, “Land Reform and Farm Sector Restructuring in the Former Soviet Union and Russia,” Aula: Society and Economy, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 7-22 (1993).

Z. Lerman and C. Parliament, “Financing Growth in Agricultural Cooperatives,” Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 435-445 (September 1993).

C. Parliament and Z. Lerman, “Risk and Equity in Agricultural Cooperatives,” Journal of Agricultural Cooperation, Vol. 8, pp. 1-14 (1993).

K. Brooks and Z. Lerman, “Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Russia: 1992 Status,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 75, pp. 1254-1259 (December 1993).

C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, “Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in the Former Socialist Countries in Europe,” European Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 21, No. 3/4, pp. 553-576 (1994).

K. Brooks and Z. Lerman, “Farm Reform in the Transition Economies,” Finance and Development, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 25-28 (December 1994).

Z. Lerman, Ye. Tankhilevich, K. Mozhin, and N. Sapova, “Self-Sustainability of Subsidiary Household Plots: Lessons for Privatization of Agriculture in Former Socialist Countries,” Post-Soviet Geography, Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 526-542 (November 1994).

K. Brooks and Z. Lerman, “Restructuring of Traditional Farms and New Land Relations in Russia,” Agricultural Economics, Vol. 13, pp. 11-25 (November 1995).

Z. Lerman, K. Brooks, and C. Csaki, “Restructuring of Traditional Farms and New Land Relations in Ukraine,” Agricultural Economics, Vol. 13, pp. 27-37 (November 1995).

Z. Lerman, J. Garcia-Garcia, and D. Wichelns, “Land and Water Policies in Uzbekistan,” Post-Soviet Geography and Economics, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 145-174 (March 1996).

Z. Lerman and K. Brooks, “Russia’s Legal Framework for Land Reform and Farm Restructuring,” Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 48-58 (November-December 1996).

C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, “Agricultural Transition Revisited: Issues of Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in East Central Europe and the Former USSR,” Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 211-240 (July-September 1996).

C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, “Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in East Central Europe and the CIS in the 1990s: Expectations and Achievements after Five Years,” European Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 24, No. 3/4, pp. 428-452 (September-October 1997).

C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, “Land Reform in Ukraine: Slow Progress,” Society and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 46-70 (1997).

Z. Lerman, “Does Land Reform Matter? Some Experiences from the Former Soviet Union,” European Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 307-330 (September 1998).

Z. Lerman, “New Farm Structures in FSU: Has Efficiency Begun to Change?” Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 236-253 (April 1999).

Z. Lerman, “Land Reform and Farm Restructuring: What Has Been Accomplished to Date?” American Economic Review, Vol. 89, No. 2, pp. 271-275 (May 1999).

Z. Lerman, “Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Ukraine,” Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 42-55 (May/June 1999).

Z. Lerman, “From Common Heritage to Divergence: Why the Transition Countries are Drifting Apart by Measures of Agricultural Performance,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 82, No. 5, pp. 1140-1148 (2000).

C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, “Agrarian Reform in Belarus: What Has Been Achieved After a Decade of Gradualism,” Quarterly Journal of International Economics Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 237-260 (2000).

C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, “Farm Restructuring in Ukraine: Policies to Revive the Agricultural Sector,” Policy Studies , No. 15, pp. 16-24 (January 2001).

Z. Lerman, A Decade of Land Reform and Farm Restructuring: What Russia Can Learn from the World ExperienceQuarterly Journal of International Economics, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 3-26 (2001).

Z. Lerman, Agriculture in Transition Economies: From Common Heritage to DivergenceAgricultural Economics, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 95-114 (November 2001).

C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Moldova: A Real Breakthrough? Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 42-52 (January-February 2002).

C. Csaki and Z. Lerman, “Land and Farm Structure in Transition: The Case of Poland,” Eurasian Geography and Economics, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 305-322 (2002).

Z. Lerman, C. Csaki, and G. Feder, “Land Policies and Evolving Farm Structures in Transition Countries,” Transition Newsletter, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 5-9 (March-April 2002).

Z. Lerman, Privatization of Land in RussiaEconomic Systems, Vol. 26, pp. 149-151 (2002).

C. Csaki, Z. Lerman, A. Nucifora, and G. Blaas, The Agricultural Sector of Slovakia on the Eve of EU AccessionEurasian Geography and Economics, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 305-320 (2003).

Z. Lerman, Y. Kislev, A. Kriss, and D. Biton, Agricultural Output and Productivity in the Former Soviet Republics.  Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 999-1018 (2003).

Z. Lerman and I. Stanchin, “Institutional Changes in Turkmen Agriculture: Impacts on Productivity and Rural Incomes,” Eurasian Geography and Economics, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 18-30 (2004).

Z. Lerman, “Policies and Institutions for Commercialization of Subsistence Farms in Transition Countries,” Journal of Asian Economics, Vol. 15, pp. 461-479 (June 2004).

Z. Lerman, C. Csaki, and G. Feder, “Evolving Farm Structures and Land Use Patterns in Former Socialist Countries,” Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, Vol. 43, No. 4 (2004).

Z. Lerman and I. Stanchin, “Principles of land relations in developed market economies and possibilities of their adaptation to Turkmenistan,” AltynAsyr (The Economy of the Golden Age), No. 7(50), pp. 26-28 (August 2004) [in Turkmen, Russian, and English].

D. Bezemer and Z. Lerman, “Rural Livelihoods in Armenia,” Post-Communist Economies, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 333-348 (September 2004).

M. Grazhdaninova and Z. Lerman, “Allocative and Technical Efficiency of Corporate Farms in Russia,” Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 200-213 (March 2005).

R. Ruben and Z. Lerman, “Why Nicaraguan Peasants Stay in Agricultural Cooperatives,” European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies/Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, Vol. 78, pp. 3-19 (April 2005).

W. Liefert, Z. Lerman, B. Gardner, and E. Serova, “Agricultural Labor in Russia: Efficiency and Profitability,” Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 412-417 (September 2005).

Z. Lerman and P. Schreinemachers, Individual Farming as a Labor Sink: Evidence from Poland and RussiaComparative Economic Studies, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 675-695 (December 2005).

Z. Lerman and D. Cimpoies, “Land Consolidation as a Factor for Rural Development in Moldova,” Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 439-455 (May 2006).

Z. Lerman, “The Impact of Land Reform on Rural Household Incomes in Transcaucasia,” Eurasian Geography and Economics,Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 112-123 (2006).

Z. Lerman and N. Shagaida, “Land Policies and Agricultural Land Markets in Russia,” Land Use Policy, Vol. 24, pp. 14-23 (2006).

B. Gardner and Z. Lerman, “Agricultural Cooperative Enterprise in the Transition from Socialist Collective Farming,” Journal of Rural Cooperation, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 1-18 (2006).

Kan, A. Kimhi, and Z. Lerman, “Farm Output, Non-Farm Income, and Commercialization in Rural Georgia,” eJade–The Electronic Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 276-286 (2006) []

Z. Lerman, E. Serova, and D. Zvyagintsev, “Diversification of Rural Incomes and Non-Farm Rural Employment: Survey Evidence from Russia,” The Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 61-80 (2008).

Z. Lerman and W. Sutton, “Productivity and Efficiency of Small and Large Farms in Transition: Evidence from Moldova,” Post-Soviet Affairs ,Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 97-120 (2008).

Z. Lerman, “Land Reform, Farm Structure, and Agricultural Performance in CIS Countries,” China Economic Review, Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp. 316-326 (June 2009) [doi:10.1016/j.chieco.2008.10.007]

Z. Lerman, “Agricultural Development in Central Asia: A Survey of Uzbekistan, 2007-2008,” Eurasian Geography and Economics, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 481-505 (2008).

Z. Lerman, “Agricultural Recovery in the Former Soviet Union: An Overview of 15 Years of Land Reform and Farm Restructuring,” Post-Communist Economies, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 391-412 (December 2008).

D. Sedik and Z. Lerman, “Land Reform, Transition, and Rural Development,” Development & Transition, No. 11, pp. 2-5 (December 2008)

Z. Lerman and D. Sedik, “Agricultural Development and Household Incomes in Central Asia: A Survey of Tajikistan, 2003-2008,” Eurasian Geography and Economics, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 301-326 (May-June 2009).

Z. Lerman, “Farm Structure and Market Constraints: A Focus on CEE and CIS Countries,” Uniform Law Review, Vol. 27, pp. 235-246 (2012).

D. Sedik, Z. Lerman, and V. Uzun, “Agricultural Policy in Russia and WTO Accession,” Post-Soviet Affairs (July 2013)