Table of Contents

List of Publications


Published Articles:

Gould Eric, Avi Simhon and Bruce Weinberg. “ Does Parental Quality Matter? Evidence on the Transmission of Human Capital Using Variation in Parental Influence from Death, Divorce, and Family Size .” forthcoming  Journal of Labor Economics,.

Fishman, Arthur & Finkelstein, Israel & Simhon, Avi & Yacouel, Nira, "Collective brands," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2018, 59(C), pages 316-339.

Genesove David and Avi Simhon “Seasonality and the Effect of Advertising on Price”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2015,63:1, 199-222.

Ebenstein Avraham, Moshe Hazan and Avi Simhon, "Changing the Cost of Children and Fertility: Evidence from the Israeli Kibbutz" Economic Journal 2016, 126, 2038-2063.

Gould, Eric, Omer Moav and Avi Simhon. "Lifestyles of the Rich and Polygynous in Cote d'Ivoire." forthcoming Economics Letters. June 2012, Pages 404–407

Ebenstein Avraham, Moshe Hazan and Avi Simhon, (2011) "The price of Children and Fertility Response: Evidence from the Israeli Kibbutz." 10(2). (not in ISI).

Fishman, Arthur and Avi Simhon, "The Effects of Income Inequality in a Search Economy," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 11(1) (Contributions), Article 8.

Ne’eman, Zvika; Paserman, M. Daniele; and Simhon, Avi (2008). "Corruption and Openness," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Vol. 8: Iss.1 (Contributions), Article 50.

Gould, Eric, Omer Moav and Avi Simhon, “The Mystery of Monogamy," American Economic Review, 2008, 98:1,333-357..

Bar-Shira, Ziv, Israel Finkelshtain and Avi Simhon, (2006) "Competitive Equilibrium of an Industry with Labor Demand Firms and Price Risk,” (2006) Journal of Rural cooperation. 34(1): 19-42.

Bar-Shira, Ziv, Israel Finkelshtain and Avi Simhon, (2006) “Regulating Irrigation via Block-Rate Pricing: An Econometric Analysis,”American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 88(4): 986-999.

Fishman, Arthur and Avi Simhon, (2005) “Can Small Menu Costs Explain Sticky Prices?” Economics Letters 87 (2): 227-230.

Feinerman, Eli, Aliza Fleischer and Avi Simhon, (2004). “Distributional Welfare Impacts of Public Spending: The Case of Urban vs. National Parks,” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 29 (2): 370-386.

Bar-Shira, Ziv, Israel Finkelshtain and Avi Simhon. (2003). “Cross-Country Productivity Comparisons: The Revealed Superiority Approach,” Journal of Economic Growth 8 (3): 301-323.

Fershtman, Chaim, Arthur, Fishman and Avi Simhon. (2003). “Repeat Sales, Inflation and Price Variability,” International Economic Review, 44 (1): 205-222.

Fishman, Arthur and Avi Simhon. (2002). “The Division of Labor, Inequality and Growth,” Journal of Economic Growth, 7 (2): 117-136.

Kandel, Eugene and Avi Simhon. (2002). “Between Search and Walras,” Journal of Labor Economics, 20(1): 59-85.

Simhon, Avi and Ziv Bar-Shira. (2001). “On the Variance of Future Prices and Output,” Review of International Economics, 9 (2): 329-335.

Fishman, Arthur and Avi Simhon, (2000). “Investment in Quality Under Asymmetric Information with Endogenously Informed Consumers,” Economics Letters, 68 (3): 327-332.


Books and Chapters:

The Israeli economy: From the managing hand to the invisible hand (in Hebrew), Modan publishers, Ben-Shemen, Israel, 2011.

אבי שמחון, ”מושגי יסוד בכלכלה“ מתוך הגישה הכלכלית למשפט בעריכת אוריאל פרוקצ'יה הוצאת מאגנס, התקבל לפרסום

Research Papers and Work in Progress:

Uhlig Harald and Avi Simhon, “Revisiting the Welfare Costs of Business Cycles.”

Fishman, Arthur, Genesove David and Avi Simhon, “Advertising and Counter Cyclical Mark-Ups.”

Lach, Saul, Ya’acov Ritov and Avi Simhon, “Mortality across Generations: What is the Relationship?”

Fishman, Arthur and Avi Simhon, “The Effects of Income Inequality in a Search Economy.”

Simhon, Avi, “Wage and Price Rigidities and the Non-Neutrality of Money.”

Bar-Shira, Ziv, Israel Finkelshtain and Avi Simhon, “On the Effectiveness of Water Pricing Programs.