List of Publications
Journal Publications:
Ert, E., Fleischer, A., Kopolovich, D. (in press). Gender earnings gap on digital platforms: The Airbnb case. Tourism Economics.
Elimelech, E., Ert, E., Parag, Y., Hochman, G. (2024). Exploring the impact of visual perception and taste experience on consumers’ acceptance of suboptimal fresh produce. Sustainability. 16: 2698.
Erev, I.,Ert, E., Plonsky O., Roth, Y. (2023). Contradictory deviations from maximization: Environment-specific biases, or reflections of basic properties of human learning? Psychological Review. 130: 640–676.
Fleischer, A., Ert, E., and Bar-Nahum, Z. (2022). The role of trust Indicators in a digital platform: A differentiated good approach in an Airbnb market. Journal of Travel Research. 61:1173-1186;
Ert, E., Melkonyan, T., and Trautmann S. T. (2022). Editorial: Contagious risks: Perception, behavior, and management − Lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 835088.
Becker, C. K., Ert, E., Trautmann, S. T., and van de Kuilen, G. (2021). Experiencing Risk: Higher-order Risk Attitudes in Description- and Experience-based Decisions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition 47, 727-746.
Hershko, S., Cortese, S., Ert, E., Aronis, A., Maeir A., and Pollak Y. (2021). Food perceptions in adults with and without ADHD. Psychopathology.
Hershko, S., Cortese, S., Ert, E., Aronis, A., Maeir A., and Pollak Y. (2021). Advertising influences food choices of university students with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders. 25: 1170-1176.
Hershko, S., Cortese, S., Ert, E., Aronis, A., Maeir A., and Pollak Y. (2020). The influence of attractiveness and convenience cues on food appeal in adults with and without ADHD. Appetite. 150, 104679;
Ert, E, Fleischer, A. What do Airbnb hosts reveal by posting photographs online and how does it affect their perceived trustworthiness? Psychol Mark. 2019; 1– 11.
Elimelech, E. ; Ert, E. ; Ayalon, O. Exploring the Drivers behind Self-Reported and Measured Food Wastage. Sustainability 2019, 11. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Elimelech, E. ; Ert, E. ; Ayalon, O. Bridging the gap between self-assessments and measured household food waste: A hybrid valuation approach. Waste Management 2019, 95, 259 - 270. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Ert, E., & Fleischer, A. (2019). The evolution of trust in Airbnb: A case of home rental. Annals of Tourism Research. 75: 279-287
Ert, E., Cohen-Amin S., & Dinar, A. (2019). The Effect of Issue Linkage on Cooperation in Bilateral Conflicts: An Experimental Analysis. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 79, 134-142.
Ert, E., & Lejarraga, T. (2018). The effect of experience on context-dependent decisions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 31, 535-546.
Pinto, O., & Ert, E. (2018). Risk Preferences of people with disabilities and their relation to labor market participation. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics. 11: 106-115
Elimelech, E., Ayalon, O., & Ert, E. (2018). What gets measured gets managed: A new method of measuring household food waste. Waste Management. 76: 68-81.
Erev, I., Ert, E., Plonsky O., Cohen, D., & Cohen, O. (2017). From anomalies to forecasts: Toward a descriptive model of decisions under risk, under ambiguity, and from experience. Psychological Review. 124: 369-409.
Ert, E., Haruvy, E. (2017). Revisiting risk aversion: Can risk preferences change with experience? Economics Letters. 151: 91-95.
Dubovski, N. , Ert, E. , & Niv, M. Y. (2017). Bitter mouth-rinse affects emotions. Food Quality and Preference. 60: 154-164.
Ert, E., & Heiman, A.(2017). Potential psychological accounts for the relation between food insecurity and body overweight. (comment on Nettle et al's insurance hypothesis) Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 40: e117.
Ert, E., Raz, O. & Heiman, A. (2016). (Poor) seeing is believing: When direct experience impairs product promotion. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 33: 881-895.
Ert, E., Fleischer A. & Magen, N. (2016). Trust and reputation in the sharing economy: The case of Airbnb. Tourism Management. 55: 62-73.
Ert, E., & Fleischer, A. (2016). Mere position effect in booking hotels online. Journal of Travel Research. 55: 311-321.
Golan, H., & Ert, E. (2015). Pricing decisions from experience: The roles of information acquisition and response mode. Cognition. 136:9-13
Ert, E., & Trautmann, S. T. (2014). Sampling experience reverses preferences for ambiguity. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. 49: 31-42.
Ert, E., Creary, S., & Bazerman, M. H. (2014). Cynicism in negotiations: When communication increases buyers' scepticism. Judgment and Decision Making. 9: 191-198.
Gray, K., Rand, D. G., Ert, E., Lewis, K., Hershman, S., & Norton, M. I. (2014). The emergence of “us” and “them” in 80 lines of code: Modeling group genesis in homogeneous populations. Psychological Science. 25: 982-990.
Ert, E., Yechiam, E., & Arshavsky, O. (2013). Smokers decision making. More than mere risk taking. PLoS One. 8: e68064
Ert, E., & Erev, I. (2013). On the descriptive value of loss aversion in decisions under risk: Six clarifications. Judgment and Decision Making. 8: 214-235.
Ert, E. (2012). On the value of experience-based decisions in studying constructs of risk taking. Frontiers in Psychology. 3:7 1-3.
Ert, E., Erev, I., & Roth, A. E. (2011). A choice prediction competition for social preferences in simple extensive form games: An introduction. Games. 2: 257-276.
Yechiam, E., & Ert, E. (2011). Risk attitude in decision making: Search for trait like constructs. Topics in Cognitive Science. 3: 166-186.
Erev, I., Ert, E., & Roth, A. E. (2010). A choice prediction competition for market entry games: An introduction. Games. 1: 117-136.
Ert, E., & Yechiam, E. (2010). Consistent constructs in individuals risk taking in decisions from experience. Acta Psychologica. 134: 225-232.
Erev, I., Ert, E., Roth, A., Haruvy, E., Herzog, S., Hau, R., Hertwig, R., Stewart, T., West, R., & Lebiere, C. (2010). A choice prediction competition: Choices from experience and from description. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 23: 15-47.
Biele, G., Erev, I., & Ert, E. (2009). Learning, risk attitude, and hot stoves in restless bandit problems. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 53: 155-67
Yechiam, E., Druyan, M., & Ert, E. (2008). Observing others behavior and risk taking in decisions from experience. Judgment and Decision Making. 3: 493-500.
Erev, I., Ert, E., & Yechiam, Y. (2008). Loss aversion, diminishing sensitivity, and the role of experience in repeated decisions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 21: 575-97.
Ert, E., & Erev, I. (2008). The rejection of attractive gambles, loss aversion, and the lemon avoidance heuristic. Journal of Economic Psychology. 29: 715-23.
Yechiam, E., & Ert, E. (2007). Evaluating the reliance on past choices in adaptive learning models. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 51: 75-84.
Ert, E., & Erev, I. (2007). Replicated alternatives and the role of confusion, chasing, and regret in decisions from experience. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 20: 305-22.
Book Chapters:
Ert, E., Nolte, S., Hurwitz A. (2022). Physiological measures in experimental finance. In: Haruvy E. and Füllbrunn S. (eds.), Handbook of Experimental Finance, Edward Edgar Publishing.
Ert, E., & Erev, I. (2016). "It won't happen to me": Review of basic and applied studies of the impact of rare events. In Vicki Bier (editor), The Gower Handbook of Extreme Risk. Farnham, UK: Gower, forthcoming.
Ert, E. (2014). Nontrivial Behavioral Implications of Trivial Design Choices in Travel Websites. In M. Kozak & A. Woodside (Eds.) Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research. (pp. 53-59) Emerald.
Erev, I., Ert, E., Plonsky, O., Cohen, D., & Cohen, O. (2016). Choice prediction competition for decisions under risk and ambiguity.
Ert, E., Yechiam, E., & Arshavsky, O. (2013). Smokers decision making. More than mere risk taking
Ert, E., Erev, I., & Roth, A. E. (2011). Choice prediction competition of social preferences in simple extensive form games
Erev, I., Ert, E., & Roth, A. E. (2010). Choice prediction competition for market entry games.
Erev, I., Ert, E., Roth, A., Haruvy, E., Herzog, S., Hau, R., Hertwig, R., Stewart, T., West, R., & Liebre, C. (2010). A choice prediction competition for choices from experience and from description.