
Published about 60 articles in refereed leading scientific journals and a number of chapters in edited books. Research over the last few years can be categorized by the following fields of interest: Economics of water utilization and water policies; Agri-environmental integrated policy instruments; Decision making under conditions of uncertainty and asymmetric- information; Counter-urbanization and development of rural areas.

Courses Taught at The Hebrew University 
Economics of the Agricultural Firm, Economics and Structure of the Moshav, Investments, Agricultural Planning, Price Theory (Microeconomics), Introduction to Information and Decision Theory, Introduction to Economics, Resource and Environmental Economics, Graduate Seminar

Main recent public positions out of the university include:
Chairman of the Committee for Agricultural Water Pricing, nominated by the Director General of Prime Minister's Office; Member of the Refereeing Committee for New Teaching Programs submitted to the Israeli Council for Higher Education, nominated by the Minister of Education; Head of the Refereeing Committee for Agricultural Economics Proposals, nominated by the Chief Scientist of Ministry of Agriculture; Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the journal Agricultural Economics, Member of the Council of the National Authority for Water and Sewage (as one of two public representative nominated by the Israeli Government).

Positions at Universities Abroad include: 
Post doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley and Riverside and Visiting Professor at the: Department of Economics and the center for agricultural and rural development (CARD), Iowa State University (USA); Departments of Applied and Agricultural Economics and Department of Economics at Virginia Tech University (USA); Mansholt Institute, Wageningen University (The Netherlands) and Department of Civil Engineering, Porto University (Portugal).