Agricultural Research, Extension, and Technological Innovation
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"The Economics of Agricultural Extension," Economic Quarterly, 1:77-90, 1972.
"The Process of an Innovation Cycle," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 55(1):28-37, 1973. (With Nira Shchori-Bachrach)
"Research and Productivity in Wheat and Maize," Journal of Political Economy, 81:1309-29, 1973. (With R. E. Evenson)
"Innovations and Research in Agricultural Development," ITCC Review, 3:168-178, 1974.
"Investment in Agricultural research and Extension," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 23:507-21, 1974/75. (With R. E. Evenson)
"An Analysis of the Dynamics of Technological change in Agriculture," IAAE Occasional Papers, 1975 [Merkaz Reprint Series No. 73]
“Agricultural Research and Productivity -- An International Analysis,” Supplement to International Journal of Agrarian Affairs, contributed papers read at the 15th International Conferences of Agricultural Economics, 1976 (With R. E. Evenson)
"A Stochastic Model of Applied Research," Journal of Political Economy, 84:265-281, 1976. (With R. E. Evenson)
"A Model of Agricultural Research," in Resource Allocation and Productivity in National and International Agricultural Research, eds: Thomas M. Arndt, Dana G. Dalrymple and Vernon W. Ruttan, University of Minnesota Press, 1977.
"The Economics of Agricultural Research, Some Recent Developments," Food Policy, 2:148-56, 1977.
"Research and Productivity in Wheat in Israel," Journal of Development Studies, 14:166-81, 1978. (With M. Hoffman)
“A Model of Yield Variability and Price Effects,” Staff Paper P80-28, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, UMN, 1980 (with Clifford Hildreth)
"Induced Innovations and Farm Mechanization," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 63:562-65, 1981. (With Willis Peterson)
"Farmers' Financing of Agricultural Research in Israel," Research Policy, 11:321-27, 1982. (With Ehud Gelb)
"The Cotton Harvester in Retrospect: Labor Displacement or Replacement?" Journal of Economic History, 46:199-216, 1986. (With Willis Peterson)
“Measuring the Benefit of a Computer in the Milking Parlor,” WP9806 (With Edud Gelb and Hillary Voet), 1998.
"The Evenson-Kislev 'Research as Search' Model and the Green Revolution," Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 79/80:613-628, 2005. (With Robert E. Evenson)