Articles in refereed journals
Fleischer, A., Gindin, Y. and Tsur, Y. (forthcoming). Integrating Recreational Ecosystem Service Valuations into Israel's Water Economy. Ecological Economics.
Ert, E., Fleischer, A. and Kopolovich, D. (2004). Gender earning gap on digital platforms: The Airbnb case. Tourism Economics.
Zuckerman Farkash, M., Birenboim, A., Fleischer, A., & Ben-Nun Bloom, P. (2024). Can local tours disperse tourists from city centers? Current Issues in Tourism, 27(4), 511-516.
Tchetchik, A., Mathews, Y., Weidenfeld, A., & Fleischer, A. (2024). The role of the spatial relationships between visitor attractions in shaping visiting patterns. Current Issues in Tourism, 27(1), 154-169.
Fleischer, A. (2022). 19. Tourism and Digital Economics. Croes, R. and Yang, Y. (eds.) A Modern Guide to Tourism Economics, Edward Elgar, p: 330.
Birenboim, A., Farkash, M. Z., & Fleischer, A. (2022). Residents' willingness to pay for mitigation measures: The case of tourism impacts in Tel Aviv's neighborhoods. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 3(2), 100068.
Fleischer, A, Ert, E. and Bar-Nahum, Z. (2022). The Role of Trust Indicators in a Digital Platform: A Differentiated Good Approach in an Airbnb Market. Journal of Travel Research, 61(5), 1173-1186.
Hatan, S., Fleischer, A., & Tchetchik, A. (2021). Economic valuation of cultural ecosystem services: The case of landscape aesthetics in the agritourism market. Ecological Economics, 184, 107005.
Ert, E, Fleischer, A. (2020). What do Airbnb hosts reveal by posting photographs online and how does it affect their perceived trustworthiness? Psychology and Marketing. 37(5):630-640.
Ert. E and Fleischer, A. (2019). The evolution of trust in Airbnb: A case of home rental, Annals of Tourism Research, 75(2019):279-287.
Fleischer, A., Tchetchik, A., Bar-Nahum, Z and Talev, E. (2018). Is Agriculture Important to Agritourism? The Agritourism Attraction Market in Israel. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 45(20):273-296.
Fleischer, A. Felsenstein, D. and Lichter, M. (2018). A Spatially Accurate Method for Evaluating Distributional Effects of Ecosystem Services. Ecological Economics, 145: 451-460.
Fleischer, A. (2017). Quantity and Quality Issues in Demand for Tourism in Uysal, M., Schwartz, Z. and Sirakaya-Turk, E. (Eds.) Management Science in Hospitality and Tourism: Theory, Practice and Applications. Taylor & Francis Group.
Ert, E, Fleischer, A. and Magen, N. (2016). Trust and Reputation in the Sharing Economy: The Role of Personal Photos in Airbnb. Tourism Management. 55 (2016):62-73.
Ert, E. and Fleischer, A. (2016). Mere Position Effect in Booking Hotels Online, Journal of Travel Research, 55 (3): 311–321.
Fleischer, A., Tchethcik, A. and Toledo, T. (2015). Does it Pay to Reveal Safety Information? The Effect of Safety Information on Flight Choices. Transportation Research Part C, 56 (July 2015): 210-220.
Fleischer, A., Mandalik, Y., Shafir, S. (2013). A Proactive Approach for Assessing Alternative Management Programs for an Invasive Alien Pollinator Species, Ecological Economics: 88(April2013): 126-132.
Kaminski, J. Kan, I. and Fleischer, A. (2013). A Structural Approach Land-Use Analysis of Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change - A Proactive Approach. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 95(1): 70-93.
Fleischer, A., Tchetchik, A. and Toledo, T. (2012). The Impact of Fear of Flying on Travelers’ Flight Choice - Choice Model with Latent Variables. Journal of Travel Research, 51(5): 653-663.
Fleischer, A. (2012). A room with a View - A Valuation of the Mediterranean Sea View. Tourism Management, 33(3): 598-602.
Tchetchik, A., Fleischer, A. and Finkelshtain, I. (2012). An Optimal Size for Rural Tourism Villages with Agglomeration and Congestion Effects. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 39(4): 685-706.
Yacouel, N. and Fleischer, A. (2012). The Role of Cybermediaries in Reputation Building and Price Premium in the Online Hotel Market, Journal of Travel Research 51(2): 219-226.
Fleischer, A. Mendelsohn, R. and Dinar, A. (2011). Bundling Agricultural Technologies to Adapt to Climate Change, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(2011): 982-990.
Fleischer, A., Peleg, G. and Rivlin (Byk), J. (2011). The Impact of Changes in Household Vacation Expenditures on the Travel and Hospitality Industries, Tourism Management 32(4): 815-821.
Fleischer, A. Kurukulasuriya, P. Mendlsohn, R. (2011).The Interaction of Crop and Irrigation Technology Choice as Climate Changes Across Agro-Ecological Zones. Mendelsohn R. and Dinar, A. (eds.) In: Handbook on Climate Change and Agriculture. Edward Elgar.
Sternberg, M., Holzapfel, C., Tielbörger, K., Sarah, P., Kigel, J., Lavee, H., ... & Köchy, M. (2011). The use and misuse of climatic gradients for evaluating climate impact on dryland ecosystems-an example for the solution of conceptual problems. Climate Change-Geophysical Foundations and Ecological Effects, 361-374.
Mandelik, Y., Roll, U. and Fleischer, A. (2010). Cost-efficiency of Biodiversity Indicators for Mediterranean Ecosystems and the Effects of Socio-economic Factors, Journal of Applied Ecology 47:1179-1188.
Tielbörger, K., Fleischer, A., Menzel, L., Metz, J., Sternberg, M. (2010). The aesthetics of water and land: a promising concept for managing scarce water resources under climate change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A,368: 5323-5337.
Fleischer, A. and Rivlin (Byk), J. (2009). Quality, Quantity and Duration Decisions in Household Demand for Vacations, Tourism Economics, 15(3): 513-530.
Tchetchik, A., Fleischer, A. and Shoval. N. (2009). Segmentation of Visitors to Heritage Site using High Resolution Time-Space Data. Journal of Travel Research, 48(2): 216-229.
Fleischer, A. and Tsur Y. (2009). The Amenity Value of Agricultural Landscape and Rural-Urban Land Allocation. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 60(1):132-153.
Tchetchik, A., Fleischer, A. and Finkelshtain, I. (2009) On-Farm Non-Agricultural Labor: On the Development of Rural Tourism in Western Countries. In Kimhi, a. and Finkelshtain, I. (eds.) The Economics of Natural and Human Resources in Agriculture. Nova Science Publishers.
Fleischer, A. and Rivlin (Byk), J. (2008). More or Better? Quantity and Quality Issues in Tourism Consumption, Journal of Travel Research, 47(3):285-294.
Fleischer, A., Lichtamn, E. and Mendelsohn, R. (2008). Climate Change, Irrigation, and Israeli Agriculture: Will Warming Be Harmful? Ecological Economics, 65(3): 508-515.
Tchetchik, A., Fleischer A. and Finkelshtain,I. (2008). Differentiation and Synergies in the Rural Tourism: Estimation and Simulation of the Israeli Market. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 90(2): 553-570.
Fleischer, A. and Sternberg, M., (2006). The Economic Impact of Global Climate Change on Rangeland Ecosystem – The Space-for-Time Approach. Ecological Economics, 59(3): 287-295.
Pizam, A. and Fleischer, A. (2005). The Relationship between Cultural Characteristics and Preferences for Active vs. Passive Tourist Activities, Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 12(4): 5-26.
Fleischer, A. Tchetchik, A (2005). Does Rural Tourism Benefit from Agriculture? Tourism Management, 26(4): 493-501.
Fleischer, A. and Buccola, S. (2005). War, Terror and Tourism in Israel – Demand and Supply Factors In: Pizam A. and Mansfeld Y. Tourism & Security: A Case Approach, Butterworth Heinemann (Elsevier).
Fleischer, A. (2005).The Economic Value of Open Space in Israel – A Tool for Policy Formation. In Oedzge Atzema, Piet Rietveld, and Daniel Shefer (eds.) Regions, Land Conservation and Sustainable Growth- Assessing the Impact of the Public and Private Sectors, Edwards Elgar Publications.
Fleischer, A. and Felsenstein, D (2004). Face-to-face or Cyberspace? Choosing the Internet as Intermediary in the Travel Market. Tourism Economics, 10(3): 345-359.
Feinerman, E., Fleischer, A. and Simhon, A. (2004). Distributional Welfare Impacts of Public Spending: The Case of Urban vs. National Parks, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 29(2): 370-386.
Fleischer, A. and Felsenstein, D.(2004). Financial Assistance to Small Businesses – Do Tourism Firms Perform Better? In: Rhodri Thomas, Support Systems for Small Tourism Businesses. Elsevier: 'Advances in Tourism Research'. pp. 71-82.(14)
Felsenstein, D. and Fleischer, A. (2003). Local Festivals and Tourism Promotion: The Role of Public Assistance and Visitor Expenditure. Journal of Travel Research, 41(4): 385-392.
Fleischer, A. and Tsur, Y. (2003). Measuring the Recreational Value of Open Spaces. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54(2): 269-283.
Pizam, A. Fleischer, A. and Mansfeld, Y. (2002). Tourism and Social Change: The Case of Israeli Tourists Visiting Jordan, Journal of Travel Research, 41(2):177-184.
Fleischer, A. and Buccola, S. (2002). War, Terror and Tourism in Israel – Demand and Supply Factors. Applied Economics, 34(11): 1335-1343.
Felsenstein, D. and Fleischer, A. (2002). Small-Scale Entrepreneurship and Information Asymmetries: Public Support and Welfare Effects. Growth and Change, 33(2): 196-215.
Pizam, A. and Fleischer, A. (2002). Severity vs. Frequency of Acts of Terrorism: Which Has A Larger Impact on Tourism Demand? Journal of Travel Research, 40(3): 337-339.
Fleischer, A. and Felsenstein, D. (2002). Estimating the Economic Impact of a Televised Event – The Case of the Eurovision Song Contest. Journal of Cultural Economics, 26(2): 139-156.
Fleischer, A. and Seiler, E. (2002). Determinants of Vacation Travel Among Israeli Seniors: Theory and Evidence. Applied Economics, 34, 412-430.
Fleischer, A. Pizam, A. (2002). Travel Constraints Among Israeli Seniors. Annals of Tourism Research 29(1): 106-123.
Fleischer, A. (2002). Agricultural Land in Frontier Areas: A Conflict between Urban Development and Tourism and Recreation Activities. In Krakover, S. and Gradus, Y. (eds.) Tourism in Frontier Areas, Lexington Books. pp. 165-176.
Fleischer, A. Tsur, Y. (2000). Measuring the Recreational Value of Agricultural Landscape. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 27(3): 385-398.
Fleischer, A. (2000). The Tourist Behind the Pilgrim in the Holy Land. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 19: 311-326.
Fleischer, A., Felsenstein, D. (2000). Support for Small-Scale Rural Tourism: Does It Make a Difference? Annals of Tourism Research, 27(4): 1007-1024.
Felsenstein, D. Fleischer, A. (2000). Capital Assistance for Small Firms: Some Implications for Regional Economics Welfare. Geographical Analysis, 32(1):36-49.
Felsenstein, D. Fleischer, A. Sidi, A. (1999).“Market Failure and the Estimation of Subsidy Size in a Regional Entrepreneurship Program”, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 10(2):151-165.
Fleischer, A. (1999). Incentive Programs for Rural Tourism in Israel - A Tool for Promoting Rural Development. In Rietveld, P. and Shefer, D. (eds.) Regional Development in Age of Structural Economic Change. Ashgate Publishing Ltd., U.K, pp. 97-110.
Fleischer, A. and Freeman, D. (1997). Multiregional-Input-Output Analysis - A toll for Measuring the Economic Impact of Tourism, Annals of Tourism Research, 24(4): 998-1001.
Fleischer, A. and Pizam, A. (1997). Rural Tourism in Israel, Tourism Management, 18(6): 367-372.
Fleischer, A. and Engel, J. (1997). Incubators as Supporting Program for Small Enterprises in Peripheral Regions of Israel. In WTO: Rural Tourism – A Solution for Employment, Local Development and Environment. World Tourism Organization, Madrid: Spain, pp. 82-89.
Fleischer A. and Applebaum, L. (1992). Spatial Differences in the Labour Force Participation of Married Women: The Case of Israel’s Peripheral Areas. Journal of Rural Studies, 8(3): 293-302.
Freeman, D., Talpaz, H. Fleischer, A. and Laufman, O.(1990). A Multi Regional Input-Output Model for Israel and Extensions: Methodology and Experience. In D.E. Boyce, P. Nijkamp and D. Shefer (eds.) Regional Science Retrospect and Prospect, Springer-Verlag.
Fleischer, A. Talpaz, H. and Freeman D. (1988). A General Equilibrium Model with Multi Regional Input-Output Tables. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (22)5:195-200.