Curriculum Vitae


1955 - M.Sc. (Agr.), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (with honorary 
1960 Ph.D., Major in Agricultural Economics, Iowa State University 
          (E.O. Heady, supervisor). 
1960 Member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, and of the Honor 
          Society of Gamma Sigma Delta. 

1960            Lecturer in Agricultural Economics, The Hebrew University of 
1965           Senior Lecturer in Agricultural Economics, The Hebrew University 
                    of Jerusalem. 
1996            Visiting Associate Professor in Agricultural Economics, North 
                    Carolina State University (on leave from the Hebrew University). 
1966-1967  Research Associate in Economics, Harvard University (on leave from 
                     the Hebrew University). 
1971            Visiting Professor in Agricultural Economics, Iowa State University 
                     (on leave from the Hebrew University). 
1973-1975  Member of the Editorial Council, The Israel Economic Quarterly. 
1974             Associate Professor in Agricultural Economics, The Hebrew 
                      University of Jerusalem. 
1974            Visiting Professor in Agricultural Economics, Colorado State 
                     University, Fort Collins, Colorado (on leave from the Hebrew 
1973-1975  Chairman, Agricultural Economics and Management Studies, 
                     The Hebrew University. 
1976-1977  Visiting Associate Professor in Economics, The University of 
                     Chicago, (on leave from the Hebrew University). 
1979            Chairman, Programme Committee, ORAGWA, International 
                     Conference on Operations Research in Agriculture and Water 
                     Resources, Jerusalem, November, 1979. 
1978-1980  Chairman, Agricultural Economics and Management Studies, The 
                     Hebrew University. 
1981-1991  Professor of Agricultural Economics, The Hebrew University of 
1985-1986  Visiting Fellow, University of Oxford. 
1987-1999  Member of Editorial Council, Water Resources Management. 
1988-1990  Head, Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, The 
                     Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 
1988-1998  Member of Editorial Council, Oxford Agrarian Studies. 
1990            Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota. 
Sept. 91 -    Professor Emeritus in Agricultural Economics, The Hebrew 
                     University of Jerusalem. 


1964-1965   Advisor to the Israel Ministry of Agriculture on Agricultural 
                      Planning and Development. 
1967-1969  Advisor to the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture on Agricultural 
                      Planning and Development. 
1968             Analysis of the Diffusion of Agricultural Technology to Arab Farms 
                      in Israel and the Evaluation of the Refugees Resettlement Potential. 
                      Report submitted to the Government of Israel (with E. Sheloh). 
1969-1973   Advisor to Research Department of Mekoroth, Israel Water Company. 
1971-1985   Member, Public Committee on Water Projects Planning in Israel. 
1975-1976   Advisor to Tahal, Israel Water Planning Co. 
1975-1976   Member of Central Advisory Committee on Agricultural Policy 
                       and Agricultural Development, Israel Ministry of Agriculture. 
1979-1982   Chairman, Agricultural Economics Projects Evaluation Panel, 
                       BARD - Binational US-Israel Agricultural Research and 
                       Development Fund. 
1984-1991    Joint Coordinator, Trinational Egypt-Israel-US Research Project 
                       on Exchange of Agricultural Technology (funded by A.I.D.). 
1986              Member of Advisory Committee to Water Commission on Water 
                       Policy in Israel. 
1991-1993    Coordinator, Continuous Workshop on Water Issues in Israel. 
1993-1994    Coordinator, Continuous Workshop on the Future of Israel Agriculture. 
1992-1993    Chairman, and 
1996-1999    Co-Chairman, Water Commissioner Committee of Low Quality Water.