List of Publications



The Long-Term Health Effects of Giant Oil Fields: Evidence from China (with Yan Zhang)
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2024, Vol. 49, pp. 238-310.

Can Resource Windfalls Reduce Corruption? The Role of Term Limits (with Yacov Tsur) Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 2023, 122, 102891.

Oil discoveries and Protectionism: Role of News Effects.  (with Fidel Perez-Sebastian and Rick van der Ploeg)
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 2021, 107, 102425.

Resource Windfalls and Public Debt: A Political Economy Perspective (with Yacov Tsur)
European Economic Review, 2020, Vol. 123, 103371.

Monetary Policy, Natural Resources, and Federal Redistribution
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2020, Vol. 75, pp. 585-613.

Reelection, Growth and Public Debt (with Yacov Tsur)
European Journal of Political Economy, 2020, Vol. 63, pp. 101889.

Heterogeneous Vertical Tax Externalities and Macroeconomic Effects of Federal Tax Changes: The Role of Fiscal Advantage (with Fidel Perez-Sebastian, and Yaniv Reingewertz)
Journal of Urban Economics, 2019, Vol. 112, pp. 85-110.

Federal Tax Policies, Congressional Voting, and Natural Resources (with Fidel Perez-Sebastian)
Canadian Journal of Economics, 2019, Vol. 52(3), pp. 1112-1164.

What Drives Vertical Fiscal Interactions? Evidence from the 1980 Crude Oil Windfall Act (with Fidel Perez-Sebastian)
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018, Vol. 73, pp. 251-268.

Input-Trade Liberalization and the Demand for Managers: Evidence from India (with Pavel Chakraborty)
Journal of International Economics, 2018, Vol. 111, pp. 159-176.

Natural Resources, Fiscal Decentralization, and Risk Sharing: Can Resource Booms Unify Nations? (with Fidel Perez-Sebastian)
Journal of Development Economics, 2016, Vol 121, pp. 38-55.

The Natural Resource Curse and Fiscal Decentralization (with Fidel Perez-Sebastian)
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2016, Vol. 98(1), pp. 212-230.

Capital Imports Composition, Complementarities, and the Skill Premium in Developing Countries (with Ariell Reshef)
Journal of Development Economics, 2016, Vol. 118, pp. 183-206.

Capital-Gender Complementarity
Economics Bulletin, 2015, Vol. 35(1), pp. 494-506.

An Empirical Analysis of a Regional Dutch Disease: The Case of Canada (with Elissaios Papyrakis)  
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2014, Vol. 58(2), pp. 179-198.

Dutch Disease, Factor Mobility, and the Alberta Effect - The Case of Federations
Canadian Journal of Economics, 2013, Vol. 46(4), pp. 1317-1350.


Working papers / In progress


Resource Windfalls and Political Sabotage: Evidence from 5.2 Million Political Ads (with David Lagziel and Ehud Lehrer)
Revise and resubmit, American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Looking Up the Sky: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and Macroeconomic Attention (with Nathan Goldstein)
Revise and resubmit, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications

Are Technology Improvements Contractionary? The Role of Natural Resources (with Fidel Perez-Sebastian and Rick van der Ploeg)

Natural Resources, Federal Tax Changes, and Environmental Regulation: Can Contractionary Fiscal Policies Increase Air Pollution? (with Fidel Perez-Sebastian and Brock Smith)

Can income shocks polarize? Theory and evidence from natural resource windfalls (with Lotem Ikan and David Lagziel)

Can term limits reduce political sabotage? Evidence from negative campaigning in gubernatorial races (with Yizhaq Minchuk)

On the Dynamics of Political Campaigns (with David Lagziel and Yevgeny Tsodikovich)

Income shocks and electoral accountability: Evidence from natural resource windfalls